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Does 10 Year Old Rifle Need A Service?

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Hi all.


I picked up a 2nd hand tx200hc .22 last week and had first chance to properly test it yesterday. Its a 2004 mk3. Visually its in really good condition so its been looked after.


I was struggling with groups at 30 yards plus. It was ok at 15 yards.


Is a service necessary on it? I havent chronod it as dont have one.

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I would give it a service and clean the barrel out you will need to ree led the barrel and try different pellets mine liked jsb exact jumbo 15,89 as it may look like its been looked after but may not have in side of it hope this helps atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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Im tempted to try the service myself although this will be my first time at this sort of thing.


What would be involved in a proper service?


Can I use the shoot through cleaning pellets for the barrel clean?


As for pellets im tempted to go for something a bit lighter like superdomes which are about 14 gr. Neither of my guns liked the superfields I used yesterday the 97 hated them in .177, they were very tight in the barrel.

Edited by dangerousdan
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Lighter pellets tend to work better in springers, I'd get so e cleaning flannelette mate those shooting pellets work but arnt as good IMO, strip re lube oil,clean not alot, hopefully someone news somewhere of a strip down guide for u..if. Was you get a chrono or take it to a gun so and they will do it for you, explain u have just got it and its ten years old....that leaves alot of time for someone to mess around with it.

Edited by Craig Fosse
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