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First Night Time Drop(And Thread On Here Be Gentle Please)


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Me and gok have a field full of bunnys and the warren is in a tricky bit along a hedgerow backing on to grave yard and i have no intention of diggging up the graves ferreting lol. so we decided to give the long nets a shot at night. half the field is lit up by road lights and flat as a pancake so didnt hold out much hope to be fare.

jumped into field and headed to the spot to start . using the new style baskets makes it much easier and quieter. set the first 50 yards and started to think we were going to be in the wrong spot so after dropping second 50 yards we made the decison to lift the first net and move further down the hedge, by this time i think we both thought we,d blown the element of surprise, lol

any way we climbed out the field and walked down the road and jumped back in 200 yards down the field and set off towards the nets , we had the mall lamps with us and had a quick flick and low and behold there was a good few out in the feild so we set off towards them, a few shot off to another warren on the right but half a dozen headed home. game on we walked them up flicking the lamp here and there to sort of shepard them in. all calm and collected till we heard the first squeall lol.... next thing both of us were legging it towards them lol . shone the light on the net and saw we had one at my end looked down the other end and gok was sorting one out walked towards him and it seemed there was 1 in every net . ended up with 5 and 1 or 2 bounced out. i was buzzing lol. and best of all home within an hour. lol i got a couple of spots that we can us this method on right good fun. thanks to nelson for the nets and baskets if hes reading this. cant recommend this guy enough. cheers stu.

the bag of bunny


i knew he had a use

gok aka donkey


i cant wait to get back out again. stu

Edited by smiffie23
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i think you will find your self looking for places to long net now.. once yo catch it can be adicitive


nice little read, well done

thanks for pics i managed to sort it as well . i,d copy and pasted it of a different forum and it didnt like it. lol

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Stu, well done mate very happy for you. A catch on your first drop.........you'll be hooked before you know it :yes: Its a hard thing to do once you hear that squeal for the first time but stay steady and continue with your bant. :thumbs: Now where do i get one of those Donkeys??????? :laugh: Keep them coming Stu Great first Topic.


Edit: For your first time out netting at night how did you find that basket mate??






Edited by NELS0N
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reasonable well done mate very happy for you. A catch on your first drop.........you'll be hooked before you know it :yes: Its a hard thing to do once you hear that squeal for the first time but stay steady and continue with your bant. :thumbs: Now where do i get one of those Donkeys??????? :laugh: Keep them coming Stu Great first Topic.





Cherrs les . I rent him out at a very resonable rate. Answers to gok . Lol.

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reasonable well done mate very happy for you. A catch on your first drop.........you'll be hooked before you know it :yes: Its a hard thing to do once you hear that squeal for the first time but stay steady and continue with your bant. :thumbs: Now where do i get one of those Donkeys??????? :laugh: Keep them coming Stu Great first Topic.





Cherrs les . I rent him out at a very resonable rate. Answers to gok . Lol.


i'll be in touch. :thumbs:

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