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Feeding When The Weathers To Bad


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Please don't turn this into the usual bash the new boy.

I have a mentor, I've read the books, I fly my harris every day. The weather reports for the next few days are horrific. I currently feed of the lure and want to avoid over feeding on the glove and issues that arise from feeding in the mews.


Has anyone got any tricks they use, perhaps a shoot system into the mews. Just a few tips or tricks would be welcome



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During hunting season I never feed in the mews or just toss food to the bird, if you really can't get out, then make the bird work for the food, when you get into it, it's surprising how many jumps you can get out the rations & only rewarding on every other jump etc, I used to do it off a high step ladder, 70+ jumps or rope work , but I've only ever kept 1 bird at a time so routines like that are easily done, it's not the same for everyone. ATB

Edited by Accip74
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Thanks for the replies, crow hawker I mean feeding off the glove as apposed to off the lure or off kills. Many articles including those by Martin Hollinshead suggest feeding anymore than the odd titbit has a negative affect on the bird.

Doing jump ups seem a logical solution however will that not just reinforce the association of me being the provider of food and lead to screaming and bad habits.

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Yeh that's a good point, I thought exactly the same before I did it, but didn't experience it, I did it with harris & gos & I think it didn't cause any obvious problems, each reward is tiny & the work has a positive effect, not just fitness.

The reason I never fed in the mews, is because before I got a bird I used to help out with a mate who had a female, he would just toss food to her regularly, she was pretty hideous, especially around food & at the same time I was reading hollinshead & he was advising the opposite, so I thought I'd never do it when I got mine. I had good results.

But it won't be the same in everyone's case.

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I firstly train the bird to come to the glove once shes coming her distance pretty much instantly i then get her moving away from the glove for her food as charlie caller does i like my bird to see the glove as a good place to hunt from an not a direct food source. When weather is crap shes fed on lure ifits to bad i jus feed her on the bow under shelter. But i firstly place the food there and then take her to the food at the bow rather than her sein me putting down her rations for her.

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Reading a few good points here guys!

All work for some of us, some work for all of us!


My Jessie (FHH) is freelofted, and I feed her both on the glove and just by putting her food on her feeding post!


I usualy get her to have at least about two or three full DOC's off the glove each day, and she does that quite willingly.

She sometimes decides enough is enough after the first one though depending on her mood, lol.

I leave the rest on her post for whenever.


Probably doing wrong I spos!

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I think mr jd is thinking far to much about glove association myself they ain't thick! And feeding a Harris on a lure soley is ridiculous feed it on the glove when the weather is s hite and also if I was mentoring someone and they came on a forum asking questions they should ask me I'd be well pi ssed off

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NoThing wrong with constructive criticism mate I just think you are reading far to much into it that's all. No need to get your knickers in a twist Christ lighten up mate. And if I was your mentor I would be annoyed nylon ask for awnsers I'm giving you one if you don't post again that's a shame life's to short to be getting in a hissey fit over my opinion.

Edited by CrowHawker
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