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Been Treated To An Upgrade.

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She who must be obeyed said I could have an upgrade to an NS200, I had a ferret about on the interweb and found the Night Eye NE500, which is roughly an equivalent unit, just £281 cheaper. She needed no encouragement to buy the cheaper option.

Ordered it yesterday, paid extra for Saturday delivery and by 9am I had the unit in it's anonymous cardboard box.


First impressions. Packaging, did not come in nice fancy case, nice fancy case from Maplin will cost £25, meaning saving is really only £256!


Unit looks homebuilt but well finished, ie made by someone who knows what they are doing, though if they had an imposition scheme they could save a fortune in paper used for the instruction books.


I charged the battery up and connected it together to give it a test run. Problem, nothing was in focus, in fact things were cloudy and distorted! Out of focus? There appeared to be a nice knuckled lens adjuster, tried twisting it, nothing improved. Tried twisting it the other way and it came off, turns out it was a lens cover made of clear plastic :icon_redface: :icon_redface: :icon_redface: ...


Lens cover off and wahey! Nice clear image! Very good colour monitor, nice sharp picture. Reported range is 200 yards, just like the Nite Site NS200! Will put up photos and an in the field review of it when I get it out there in the field! But first impressions are very good, just managed to save 13 bottles of single malt worth of funding!

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good luck with it.... I had 4....YES...4 different units before I got one that "worked"....well I say worked.... I switched it on at night, it lit up so then I sold it..... The IR/circuit boards were at fault for all 3 replacements.

I hear the NE500LR is supposed to be a better unit but tbh I didnt want to find out


I'm not saying all the units are going to do what mine did, but 3 out of the 4 faulty ones put me off....hence the reason why I didnt get to do the review on GHTV



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