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Threat To Purse Nets

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It'll be boiling water on ants nests next.

was this brought forward by those complaints from peoples cats being caught up in snares as on the vine show the other week???? maybe we should all complain about cats shitting in our gardens, if dogs

Where abouts are nets mentioned?

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rabbits can still be shot, but whats the point shooting rabbits? if you cant use nets you wont need to keep ferrets so you,ll have no ferrets to feed if you know what i mean :blink:

bolting rabbits to shotguns is good sport mate, but there isnt a gamedealer on earth that would take them, which leaves ferret food and dog food and me food :censored:

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rabbits can still be shot, but whats the point shooting rabbits? if you cant use nets you wont need to keep ferrets so you,ll have no ferrets to feed if you know what i mean :blink:

Im talking about shooting bolting rabbits or you could bolt them to that old pot licker FENTON

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It says 70 % of animals caught in snares aren't the intended targets, so if I set 10 snares I will get 3 rabbits and two hedge hogs and 5 cats? Is there survey conducted in a city?


I hate the thought of ferreting being taken away, this country is a huge let down.

Most snared animals not the intended target Almost 70 per cent of animals caught in snares are not the intended targets. Defra, the government department that regulates snares, never checks to see if a snare fulfils their own code of practice. - See more at: http://www.antisnaring.org.uk/#sthash.17AevSwC.pMCWFsUL.dpuf


I copied that before I read your post mate... who has worked out that 70% is the number, as defra never checks ( or so they say)..

Get a couple of bad looking pics and fill in the gaps as usual..


I'm not sure where nets are mentioned though in this, there are some places ( beside main roads etc) where snaring can be the only option.... I like a wet windy night and the long nets though...

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It says 70 % of animals caught in snares aren't the intended targets, so if I set 10 snares I will get 3 rabbits and two hedge hogs and 5 cats? Is there survey conducted in a city?


I hate the thought of ferreting being taken away, this country is a huge let down.

youv got to laugh at that....i dont know where theyr getting theyr info from but it aint this country thats for sure 70% are non target speices, fecking bullshite!

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It says 70 % of animals caught in snares aren't the intended targets, so if I set 10 snares I will get 3 rabbits and two hedge hogs and 5 cats? Is there survey conducted in a city?


I hate the thought of ferreting being taken away, this country is a huge let down.

youv got to laugh at that....i dont know where theyr getting theyr info from but it aint this country thats for sure 70% are non target speices, fecking bullshite!


my snares catch 99% fresh air :laugh:

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