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Threat To Purse Nets

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a bill proposed to ban snaring also includes the use of nets,


Peter Bottomley MP and others have put up a Early day motion to ban snaring in England and Wales. As countryman you have to understand that snares include Wire snares for Rabbit and Fox but also purse nets for ferreting and long nets for rabbit control.

The Motion reads;

That this House expresses concern that at peak times around a quarter of a million snares are set in England and Wales causing unnecessary suffering to target and non-target animals, as highlighted in snaring research published last year by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA); notes that although the study confirmed the inhumane and indiscriminate nature of these traps there has been no progress made towards a ban on snares; supports OneKind in its campaign calling for DEFRA to consult on the issue with a view to banning snaring as soon as possible; and congratulates the charity for highlighting these serious welfare concerns through its dedicated website SnareWatch.



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It'll be boiling water on ants nests next.

was this brought forward by those complaints from peoples cats being caught up in snares as on the vine show the other week???? maybe we should all complain about cats shitting in our gardens, if dogs

Where abouts are nets mentioned?

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Snares am not a big lover of. But the work were access is hard.


Banning nets is just stupid they are a vital tool for ferreting. But they messed it up for us with dogs so they will mess it up for us with nets.


Only the poorman sports get banned apart from fox hunting. But it's ok to rear pheasents, partridge etc then shoot them because that generates a revenue for this joke of a government.


This country gets worse day by day.

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Yes wheres the bit about purse nets. Surely a different case as there not left unattended and your only targeting one quarry and your on hand to ensure a humane quick dispatch , so would differ greatly from a snare , surprised snares have lasted through the ban anyway ,

Edited by Jamie m
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Like a lot of you guys out there i have had a good 40 years out ferreting mainly i feel sorry for anyone starting out and having to put up with all this shite that they have to put up with any way atb and happy hunting to all you lads and f--k em atb Dan

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Guest scramble

was this brought forward by those complaints from peoples cats being caught up in snares as on the vine show the other week???? maybe we should all complain about cats shitting in our gardens, if dogs need to be under control then why not cats?? leave your animal to roam the country as a wild animal then tuff shit if it get fecked in a snare!!!!!!!!!!

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Your only playing catch up with Scotland now we had to sit a course and get a number it will turn out the rest of the country will have to do the same , ive been snaring 40 years and packed it in it would be a major job fitting stops on all my wires and the course and numbering snares felt to much like Big Brother is watching you . cant see purse nets coming into it but if they do the rabbits can still be shot

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