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It's Good To Be Out Again Also!

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Well I managed to get out today, last time I was out was last week but wasn't very successful, and before that wasn't since September the 25th so my igamebook tells me.


I got down a little early just after work because the apples have fully grown on the tree outside the landlady's house and as she's not as manoeuvrable in her old age I often pick her some, so a couple of baskets later and I was ready to zero. The wind was very harsh today 18ish mph so I zeroed in the lapses of the gusts and found myself with a little compensation of the wind I was bang on punching a pin head at 27 yards.


Changed into my LLCS and off I went, I aimed to get some pigeons today but took a detour to a rabbit area that has had some activity over the past few months. As quiet as I could in the low ground I moved, but with the mustard all dieing after being sprayed ready as fertiliser for the Royals to be plotted in at the end of the year, there really was no chance of being quiet. Climbing up the field and piercing round I spotted a rabbit 27 yards away zeroed, with the wind directly in my face. Perfect... Unattaching my bipod legs I got into postion, only for the rabbit to hop a few steps and listen directly facing me.... Resting the rifle I realised I was on a slope and I had to adjust my bipod leg fully out on one side to allow for compensation to get my rifle level.. After messing around trying to do this with as little movement as possible I lined up, the rabbit was looking straight at me with its head slightly cocked to the left. I lined up on the rabbits eye so it would carry the aa field into the rabbits brain....it sounds weird but I have found one piece of advice that has helped me bag more and more rabbits. Aim small and miss small. It sounds weird but I actually seemed to miss more rabbits when just aiming at the patch behind the eye (my mind automatically thinking its a big area I'm bound to hit it somewhere), now I aim for toughs of hair or in this case, the white glow on the pupil....with the wind directly towards me no need to aim off and loose....watching the pellet hit home and a spurts and a splash(10%of an animals body water is located here...or so I have read?) as the pellet enters the eye and down it rolls, not even a flinch.


A nice shot...directly point centre of the eye.(being as though the rabbit was facing me as the picture is directly side ways the pellet is offset to the right..however if you can imagine the rabbit facing you, the pellet hit dead centre..)





After a little walk around and a head into the woodland for pigeon, an hour and a half of moving to different places and no luck. Light starting to fade I headed to the rabbit warren for a look, down into the decline I scan and a nice rabbit about 30yards away, aim off left for wind and loose....another one down, Unfortunatly on picking the rabbit up it had a massive abscess on its cheek, so I took it to some short grass where crows and magpies tend to be, so its not wasted.(u can actually see the amount of flees I am starting to see on the rabbits now when u look at the first one I shot today)


No more luck but home with something...the winds are picking up here over the next week so looks like next week for another go. At the moment the leaves are just to compact in the woodland to hope for pigeons, but hopefully it may introduce some good flight line shooting with the 12g. The landladies husband used to shoot in there quite regularly with the 12g I now have so looks like I may give that a go sometime.


On my walk back to the car I noticed the farmer had cleared a load of ivy trees...I'm not a massive fan of ivy, especially for pigeon and when I was grey hunting in the uk. However I don't take a habit of shooting trees but this ivy tree presented a nice little target, so to loose of my already cocked rifle to clear it and get the magazine out I aimed in a seated position(on my shooting stick) 27 yards zero. You can actually see the little ring I aimed for where the pellet hit into.



P.s sorry for robbing your name mac!


Hope you like the read...keep them coming guys, the hunting topic hasn't been as active lately!!


All the best



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