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Lineker Blames Pushy Parents For Ruining English Footie

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My lad does kung fu and footy and my daughter does ballet and gymnastics, I think the problem is the exact opposite, parents just don't give a flying flook these days, I sit in every lesson or watch t

Don't wanna upset anybody either bit I don't think cling your kid lazy is bad, I think watching your child be lazy when you know they are capable of much more is bad. Granted I wouldn't scream and sho

Does anybody else blame linekar for making g kids fat, seeing as he made walkers ads? Lol

I think its the lazy, do nothing, scrounging, waster types of parents that are not only ruining sports but everything else as well..................what example do they set their children, taking whatever they can get without even attempting to earn a single thing, putting absolutely no effort into life at all. There are parents that buy their kids off as well, but money will never replace love and affection from parents....................it boils down to the same old thing.............too many people have kids because its the thing to do and don't have the time or cant be bothered with day to day parenting. No child asks to be born and so many don't get the loving and caring parents that they deserve :thumbs:

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A guy i used to work with used to train an under nines team at a local club but packed it in because of the parents. If he subbed their little superstar to let someone else have a bit of game time they went ballistic. Some even threatened him if their kid wasnt in the starting eleven.None of these clowns were willing to step up to the plate and train the kids but were only too happy to slag someone who did.

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between myself and the wife we spend every single penny and hour weve got taking the little lad to football and his older sister doing her teamchasing and going hunting.we cannot really afford it but the kids are the most important things in our lives .if they turned round tomorrow and said they were giving it all up we would be gutted but its there choice.enjoy it whilst you can because they soon bloody grow up.

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between myself and the wife we spend every single penny and hour weve got taking the little lad to football and his older sister doing her teamchasing and going hunting.we cannot really afford it but the kids are the most important things in our lives .if they turned round tomorrow and said they were giving it all up we would be gutted but its there choice.enjoy it whilst you can because they soon bloody grow up.

We exact same here mate, it's hard and costs us a fortune but hey, they love it so who are we to not let them do it, likes been said they never asked us to have them, least we can do is provide an encourage them. For all its hassle tho watching me lad get his belts at presentations or having his teacher pull us aside after a gradeing is seriously heart warming, same with daughter. Feel like telling some of the other parents to get a grip sometimes, but instead I'll put me effort an energy into my own kids.

Edited by Hot Meat
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I think Lineker is absolutely right......the odd sunday morning i used to walk round the pitches with a fella i used to know who did a bit of scouting for West ham......theres a part of East London near the Olympic Stadium called Hackney Marshes that has in the region of 200 pitches......up the road theres Wanstead Flats that has about 100......every sunday throughout the season theres not a pitch thats not being used.....its mostly young kids of varying ages.......i was shocked at the amount of fights and trouble........dads fighting and arguing with other dads,with referees even with the players.....it wasnt nice to see.....plenty of times youd see blue lights turning up where it had all gone off.................on a lighter note it always reminded me of the scene in the Football Factory film where the 2 dads end up rolling round on the floor at a kids match :D

I think its great to be competetive........but i do think kids need to learn the game and develop as young men before putting winning above all else.

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between myself and the wife we spend every single penny and hour weve got taking the little lad to football and his older sister doing her teamchasing and going hunting.we cannot really afford it but the kids are the most important things in our lives .if they turned round tomorrow and said they were giving it all up we would be gutted but its there choice.enjoy it whilst you can because they soon bloody grow up.

had all 3 of mine playing at one time the cost of boots subs club do`s fundraisers and fuel some weeks I`d chuck 100 quid plus at it --when the eldest was at leeds he had to go on the coach so I`d drive him up to leeds --- then drive to somewhere like Coventry to watch him play then back up to leeds to bring him home near on 400 mile all in --I even had to take him to leeds for them to bring him back to Nottingham to play forest..

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between myself and the wife we spend every single penny and hour weve got taking the little lad to football and his older sister doing her teamchasing and going hunting.we cannot really afford it but the kids are the most important things in our lives .if they turned round tomorrow and said they were giving it all up we would be gutted but its there choice.enjoy it whilst you can because they soon bloody grow up.

We exact same here mate, it's hard and costs us a fortune but hey, they love it so who are we to not let them do it, likes been said they never asked us to have them, least we can do is provide an encourage them. For all its hassle tho watching me lad get his belts at presentations or having his teacher pull us aside after a gradeing is seriously heart warming, same with daughter. Feel like telling some of the other parents to get a grip sometimes, but instead I'll put me effort an energy into my own kids.




It would horrify me to make a bloody show of myself, at my youngest daughters last fight it was for the silver medal.....her mum was all your doing well darling etc etc.........I just leaned over and whispered in her ear, quiet as you like "you feel alright?".........."yes dad"..........."Good......now get in there and have a f***ing fight"


That worked for her because that is her character deep down, it would be useless to say it to my oldest or my boy.......every sportsman needs something different to motivate them



No need to holler and hoot when a quiet word will suffice :thumbs:

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A guy i used to work with used to train an under nines team at a local club but packed it in because of the parents. If he subbed their little superstar to let someone else have a bit of game time they went ballistic. Some even threatened him if their kid wasnt in the starting eleven.None of these clowns were willing to step up to the plate and train the kids but were only too happy to slag someone who did.

when I ran kids teams I used to have parent meetings and put a newsletter out I made sure everyone knew where they stood even before I made changes on the pitch I used to pull the parent to one side and tell them why I was making the change ---I never had any problems with kids or parents... when I moved up to senior level I got a bollocking off one lads old fella because he was sub every week the lad never had a problem with it but his dad did --the lad was 27 :D

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What I noticed about football in the few years prior to packing up playing is that loads of the young players (18 to 25) were fannys.......theres no other way to put it.

Sensitive little Renaldo wannabes who couldn't take a bollocking from a team mate if they were slacking off or not giving enough in a game.......they would cry their eyes out and throw a strop.

I was schooled that football is a big boys game and if you don't pull your weight then someone is gonna dig you out about it......mens talk in a mens game.


Some fat prick at the sidelines shouting at an 8 year old is one thing but I hope we never take the fire out of the players on the pitch or the manager

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The youngsters are a disgrace at times spitting, bad mouthing the ref, diving , trying stuff they just not good enough to try, oh and where they getting that from? You got it our overpaid underperforming not very skillfull superstairs, so thats why english kids aint good enough, we will get there one day but by then it not be a english team as we know it....i

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In all fairness, at lower standard Saturday and sunday football some of the refs are truly shocking !!

Silly fat old b*****ds or stamp collector types, too unfit to keep up with play or wanting to make themselves the centre of attention..........calling offside decisions etc from 40 or 50 yards behind the play, blowing up every time someone trips over, always reaching for the breast pocket.

Theres some proper tits so its no wonder players get wound up, a bad ref can turn a nothing game into a bad tempered messy scrap for no other reason than they are making bad calls all the time

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