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Why Can't Girls Be Friends With Other Girls?

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I reckon blokes can be mates with women. I had four women friends in Swansea university who I used on go on the lash with every weekend and spend the nights at their shared gaff. I even had two change in the same room as me with me doing this "good guy, nah not interested" act :whistling::laugh:

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Birds have this f***ing bizarre mental ability to hear completely different words to the ones that are actually coming out of the speakers mouth!   example, one female says to another "Your hair l

Tell me about it..... I get absolutely ripped by all my mates.......

Would love to know what goes through a womens head if they say its fine it certainly isnt if they say go do what you what and you go to a fishing comp your in for a bollocking let me tell you !! They


the gash brigade like all the attention from the men on themselves (except astral) so if a fit looking girl with a slippery slice comes into the room too then its competition for the 1st girl, so the only way she feels good about herself is by putting the others down making her feel better in herself.


Just like reading Shakespeare , I,v got a lump in my throat with the beautiful way you put that .

Made me laugh there mate.... Shakespeare lol

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Birds have this f*****g bizarre mental ability to hear completely different words to the ones that are actually coming out of the speakers mouth!


example, one female says to another "Your hair looks nice today"


A woman actually hears "You have been letting yourself go lately and I look better than you"


Mental, all of them............but I like them :D

Bang on mate....


Very complicated creatures, who us men will never work out.... But I like them too lol

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Most women i come across are insecure, two faced messes! Always bitching about someone. I get on so much better with men, they can take a joke without offence, tell it how it is and give me relationship advice when im having man trouble lol!! I do have some lovely girl-friends though so they're not all bad, some men are just as bad though.

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I often look at my wife and wonder why she's not like the girls at work....................Slim, attractive, nicely tanned, beautifully dressed, lovely hair, stunning smile.


5hit! She's coming - I'm off !!!!!!

:laugh: I have run out of "likes", I like that........................know the feeling too :laugh:

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I'm not being ageist but generally I think the older you get the easier life is , Ive worked mainly with men in one job and mainly with women in another and I think I get on better with men ,,, women can be very nippy about your shoes , clothes , your size and make up . I aint no cat walk babe and aint no threat to anyone ;) never have been ,, but I am me and love a laugh :D , I have a lot of girl friends that are brilliant to be around and we have a great laugh and dont take ourselves seriously, but I also have a few girlfriends that think they are goddesses and love to bitch, all i see with them is there ugly side .


personally I think it is all to do with self confidence and Jealousy ( the green eyed monster)

However as I said I have also worked with mainly men and wow they can bitch just as much as women , and I am sure they suffer fro pmt worse than most women :yes:

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I worked in kennels once were almost all the staff were women aged 17 to 30ish (you never ask :laugh:). I have to say that there is much more "bitching" in male only groups in your average workplace. I think its because a group of men have been brought together with totally different interests and not much in common, so there is no "common goal" and it only takes one macho type to send the whole group into free fall :laugh:.

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Would love to know what goes through a womens head if they say its fine it certainly isnt if they say go do what you what and you go to a fishing comp your in for a bollocking let me tell you !! They just want what they can not have you treat them perfect they will be right horrible cows but if you more or less ignore them they are falling all over you crazy humans I can honestly say never had a female friend I havnt thought about giving one haha

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Blokes are their own worst enemies when it comes to women, lots of blokes I have seen, as soon as they meet a bird they stop being themselves, feel they have to go to Tesco even though they hate it, cant tell the mrs if they go for a pint, don't let on if they bumped into another women and had a chat etc............its all secret service.


If the relationship continues then all the ducking and diving continues, the pressure must be f***ing terrible!!........f**k all that, I couldn't live that way.


You don't have to be a selfish prat to just be yourself, If I couldn't be myself I couldn't function at all

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I have a good few girl friends ... some super pretty, some not. Some model shaped, some Creme Egg shaped :laugh: I'm no poster girl myself but I reckon I fall somewhere on the side of fair decent :laugh: I've got some girls I've been friends with for over 25 years.


I'm not the sort of person to be snide. I'm a good mate who's got good mates I guess. Snide, fake sorts don't really get my attention unless I feel the need to put them in their place for being that way. That's just not the type of person I'd surround myself with.


We're not all that shallow you know!

do you have any single friends that want it

:laugh: you have such a way with words those friends of lurchergrrl will be dropping their knicks in no time :D

I would hope half them wouldn't have any on not for long anyway lol
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