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Its Good To Be Back Out

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Well first off i gave daz a tx and vislauk to see if they wanted to come but they could not make it daz has man flu so off i went the fields where water logged so put my welly,s on.set the zero at 35 yards (paced) sat for a bit plinking with both the ultra and the raider the little ultra is now spot on for me so when little hunter gets his hands on it he will just have to give it a tweak and it will be spot on for him.Went back to the car and put the ultra away as its not my rifle even though iv got full use of it at eny time i don't like to use eny one ells-es rifle so with raider on my shoulder off i went over a fence and across the first field to the bottom corner and with every step i was sinking further into the ground nothing in that field as i was making that much noise as i was lifting my feet and lost one of my welly,s so with welly back on off i set again.With every squelch of my foot steps had to stop and have a look around to see if DAZ WAS WALKING BEHIND ME AS I WAS MAKING THAT MUCH NOISE :laugh::laugh::laugh::tongue2::tongue2::tongue2: .I was pleased to get out of the first field as the next one was mint as its on a bit of an incline and the water runs off that one and into the first one .With the wind in my face i had to go into the first field to get into the second one as the other way in would of meant the wind would be on my back and we all know that's no good at all so off like a silent ninja i went and i came across the fist one about 80 yards away so i closed the gap to about 45 yards went down on one knee took aim and just as i was squeezing the trigger off he ran and never stopped but as i stood up there was another one to my left back down on my knee and let one go spot on no if,s or buts it just rolled over and give two or three kicks so camera out photo taken and one in the bag. The next one was in the paddocks it was only about 15 yards away so with a standing shot i took that one down to two in the bag but as i stepped forward and scanned the paddock there must of been 7or 8 rabbits all running for cover. So back to the car for some refreshment and to rest my weary legs and after a fag or to off i went again same as before into the first field over the fence and into the second one across that over another fence into the woods over the drive way so and so on ending up back at the paddocks again where one ran and then stopped then ran so on and so on as if it was playing with me i must of went to shoulder the rifle a dozen times i let that one go as it was now next to its burrow i ran the beam over the paddock and lit the eyes up on one at 35 yards away side ways on to me so standing unsupported i took aim but it moved and its head was no longer in view for the turfed,s of long grass so with the cross hair,s lowered down to its heart i let the jsb go it ran about 7 yards and rolled over dead i had another walk around but they must of sent a messenger out that BIGMAC 97KT was about :laugh::laugh::laugh: as nothing els was, so three in the bag. BOY ITS GOOD TO BE BACK OUT atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:









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"they must of sent a messenger out that BIGMAC 97KT was about"

LOL mac, you crack me up reading some of this stuff you post :laugh::laugh: :laugh:


and the bit about Daz walking behind you- haha good banter :thumbs:


great write up mate glad your back out and about. im going to go out with the hw100 on Saturday probably. might build a hide out of a few branches in preparation for hopefully some good winter woody shooting :thumbs: -

I must walk/stalk like Daz as I cant usually get within 100 yards of them they must hear me coming :laugh::laugh:

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Nice one buddy, it's winter/autumn now so I am expecting a lot if mud and wetness too I think! Although I do think if your wrapped up with the right kit winter is my favorite time of year, especially with those cold morning\mist and sun!, I'm off out later for some pigeons tonight, lots if hawthorn around hopefully bag one or two

Edited by Craig Fosse
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Thanks lads Skot the more your out the better you get and Craig i know what you mean mate it will not be long before the frost is here then trying to be silent will be like walking on glass.DD it dus look good its my fav rifle good luck for to night atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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Oh lord don't encourage him lads, the funny man he is!


It wasn't man flu, it's a viral infection, been shitting through the eye of a needle for 3 days straight, urrgh. I'm sure it was that mixy rabbit Mac said would be "ok"


Well done Mac, looking forward to the next night out, though I bet all 3 of them rabbits fell owa dead when ya welly came off, the stink!

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  On 24/10/2013 at 05:20, Skot Ruthless Teale said:

"they must of sent a messenger out that BIGMAC 97KT was about"

LOL mac, you crack me up reading some of this stuff you post :laugh::laugh: :laugh:


and the bit about Daz walking behind you- haha good banter :thumbs:


great write up mate glad your back out and about. im going to go out with the hw100 on Saturday probably. might build a hide out of a few branches in preparation for hopefully some good winter woody shooting :thumbs: -

I must walk/stalk like Daz as I cant usually get within 100 yards of them they must hear me coming :laugh::laugh:

Skot deffo don't walk like daz you will fall down,over fences ,and gate,s but his staking skill are coming along good very good in fact atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

Edited by bigmac 97kt
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  On 25/10/2013 at 19:45, Daz39 said:

Oh lord don't encourage him lads, the funny man he is!


It wasn't man flu, it's a viral infection, been shitting through the eye of a needle for 3 days straight, urrgh. I'm sure it was that mixy rabbit Mac said would be "ok"


Well done Mac, looking forward to the next night out, though I bet all 3 of them rabbits fell owa dead when ya welly came off, the stink!

FUNNY C**T :tongue2: :tongue2: :tongue2: atvbmac

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