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Kidney Flush

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  On 22/10/2013 at 19:02, soldier p said:

Got acidosis in coursing dog been advised to get some kidney flush anyone help me were to get it and any other ideas

as i said on the other post adding more for the kidneys to process will make matters worse just keep it hydrated and comfortable in the worse case it will suffer rhabdomyolysis and loose its back muscles over the next 72 hrs or best case it will just be sore for a while.

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  On 22/10/2013 at 19:57, soldier p said:

How long they out for I guess a week out then a week build up so two to three weeks [bANNED TEXT] running again would you give electrolyte during courses in future to try and prevent

depends on how bad it is, i will be controversial here and say water,fitness and common sense are better than any electrolyte thats currently available

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  On 22/10/2013 at 19:02, soldier p said:

Got acidosis in coursing dog been advised to get some kidney flush anyone help me were to get it and any other ideas

had a dog with this problem vet told me bi/carb of soda on his food 1/2teaspoon it never happened again

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  On 27/10/2013 at 17:07, BORDERSCOT said:


  On 27/10/2013 at 17:03, socks said:

White beans, spinach, baked potatoes and bananas all have better pottasium levels than tomatoes ............


White Kidney beans....... :hmm::hmm::hmm:

Nope normal coloured kidney beans .........

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Potassium is the salt found in cells so feeding meat is a good source and will also supply the protein needed to recover when hard run so why should a dog fed a decent diet need extra? when studied dogs are rarely lacking this and adding more doesn't seem to reduce cramps etc. Many add bananas etc but its more for their comfort than th dogs.

Then of course if the dog has run to the point of muscle breakdown it will have to much in its blood stream any way so the last thing to do would be to add more.

The breakdown of muscle tissue cells releases the cells electrolytes into the blood stream ie potassium, myoglobin & creatine kinase. Just as you would not add in extra myoglobin neither would you want to add in more potassium (K+). If there is enough damage the amount of K+ will reach dangerous levels. The K+ is leaking from the cells which have a high concentration to the blood fluid which normally has a low concentration, dangerously high levels develop quickly. In humans the range for serum K+ is narrow, 3.5-5.5 mEq/dL and will be similar in dogs so you can see that it doesn't take a lot to push outside the range

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