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Pip Byrne.[Also Posted On The Terrier Forum]

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Hi,looking for a bit of info on a old man by the name of Pip Byrne,i have know him for around 20 years,used to meet him at gamefairs and he used to call on me every now and again for a dig and the odd course,the last i heard from him was about a year and a half,and havent seen him since,he is a small man,he used to be a taxi driver but had retired from this trade about 5 years now,he was always into his lurchers and terriers,has a great eye for a good dog,i remember him telling me he used to breed working wheaton,s in the late 60,s when badger digging was still legal,i havent heard from him in ages,i have a mobile number for him but its dead,[no answer]i know he lived around the northside of Dublin ,but where,maybe some of the Irish lads on here might know him or know of him,just want to know is he still in the land of the living,he was a very good friend of the late John Kelly,.............also a man that used to be with him,goes by the name of Dermot,[not sure what his second name was],also keeps a few lurchers and terriers,drives a taxi,might be related to him.

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Do you know him,he is a friend of mine but i havent seen him for over a year,someone said he was,nt well and he might be in hospital,any info would be great or on his friend Dermot....


ps.are you related to Tony.

try louth tiger of here he might know him
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  • 2 weeks later...

yeah i know the little f****r,he was a dog theif,you would hunt with him in the morning and your dog would be nicked that night if he was any good,he was always with another man called tom,dont know his second name but a settled traveller,so he is missing in action,so good riddens to bad blood

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a little small fat f****r from up dublin way,a cab driver,thats him,a dog thief,never had a good one so robbed yours,thiefing little b*****d.



a little small fat f****r from up dublin way,a cab driver,thats him,a dog thief,never had a good one so robbed yours,thiefing little b*****d.

never hear pip takeing dog in all the years now him stay in house many time when I was young lad well look after me dad must now him 40 years and he never hear him takeing dogs the man very sick at the moment and have a bite of respect

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a bit of respect for what,a dog thief,are you joking,took a dog on me years ago,took me 3 weeks to find him in his back garden,hunted down my way and my lurchers at that time made a show of his dirt,was taking that night while i was out at work,so you want me to have a bit of respect for that little robbing b*****d,i should of put him out of his misery there and then.

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a bit of respect for what,a dog thief,are you joking,took a dog on me years ago,took me 3 weeks to find him in his back garden,hunted down my way and my lurchers at that time made a show of his dirt,was taking that night while i was out at work,so you want me to have a bit of respect for that little robbing b*****d,i should of put him out of his misery there and then.

did no he was like that hade dogs takeing on me few years back not nice think


a bit of respect for what,a dog thief,are you joking,took a dog on me years ago,took me 3 weeks to find him in his back garden,hunted down my way and my lurchers at that time made a show of his dirt,was taking that night while i was out at work,so you want me to have a bit of respect for that little robbing b*****d,i should of put him out of his misery there and then.

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