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Lenny Vs Roy

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  On 23/10/2013 at 18:04, socks said:

One thing about phil is that he has big balls and will fight anybody ...........


Socks i have big balls and will throw a grenade at anybody..........you wouldnt have me in the army though would you.


It takes a lot more than just " being willing " to make a fighter................or soldier either id imagine ;)

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Have to be honest the whole unlicensed scene makes me cringe everyone is out trying to be the next Lennie.....the difference is back in those days they was doing it for money,nothing else........today

Both powerful and fearless men right enough......must admit ive never thought Roy did himself any favours with these interviews they make him sound like a sore loser especially being that Lennie wasnt

well im 5ft 5 and at the time weighed 10 stone ... seen this big fecker picking on someone outside a club so told him if he thought he was hard try it with me ...... 10 mins later i woke up with a

  On 23/10/2013 at 19:00, maxhardcore said:

He's a little tale and i wont mention names.

That little town i live near had a Big Mush who played debt collector type loan shark.

The lad was BIG kept in shape ect and was seen of as Hard ect

Anyways a lad of around 5'11 maybe 12 stone ( im guessing but some where near )

Giving 5 stone away to this Big mush had beef with him

They arranged to meet on a local Park just the two of them no mates ect

Smaller lad pulls up on road sees Big Mush with a couple of pals

Jumps out the car walks onto the park on his lonesome as arranged

Sees a few ten year olds playing footie says to them

See them Big lads over there im going to Fight the Big mush

He has a gang i havnt

You want to be in my gang

Kids exited say yeah

He walks over with few ten year olds

Wipes the floor with the mush in seconds

Now this lad looks nothing but is fast a fook and Bangs for his weight and is scared of no one.

No Roids ect just keeps himself fit.

Honestly to look at him you wouldnt have any idea he could Fight.

But fight he can.

as they say never judge a book by its cover, and very true with people.The bloke who taught me karate, was only about 5ft 6in 11st, but very fast+powerful . Ive seen him knock lads out in comp alot bigger than him self, very quite nice bloke never mouthy . :yes:

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  On 23/10/2013 at 19:57, bird said:


  On 23/10/2013 at 19:00, maxhardcore said:

He's a little tale and i wont mention names.

That little town i live near had a Big Mush who played debt collector type loan shark.

The lad was BIG kept in shape ect and was seen of as Hard ect

Anyways a lad of around 5'11 maybe 12 stone ( im guessing but some where near )

Giving 5 stone away to this Big mush had beef with him

They arranged to meet on a local Park just the two of them no mates ect

Smaller lad pulls up on road sees Big Mush with a couple of pals

Jumps out the car walks onto the park on his lonesome as arranged

Sees a few ten year olds playing footie says to them

See them Big lads over there im going to Fight the Big mush

He has a gang i havnt

You want to be in my gang

Kids exited say yeah

He walks over with few ten year olds

Wipes the floor with the mush in seconds

Now this lad looks nothing but is fast a fook and Bangs for his weight and is scared of no one.

No Roids ect just keeps himself fit.

Honestly to look at him you wouldnt have any idea he could Fight.

But fight he can.

as they say never judge a book by its cover, and very true with people.The bloke who taught me karate, was only about 5ft 6in 11st, but very fast+powerful . Ive seen him knock lads out in comp alot bigger than him self, very quite nice bloke never mouthy . :yes:


well im 5ft 5 and at the time weighed 10 stone ...

seen this big fecker picking on someone outside a club so told him if he thought he was hard try it with me ......

10 mins later i woke up with a sore nose and a black eye :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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The big dude who want to knock shit out of people is easy to deal with, it's the wee c**t that's gonna go round and pour petrol over your wife and kids you need to watch out for.


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I know loads of men like the one in the clip shave ya head do some roidsnsmack a few people and they are the hardest man in the world like limbo slice got in with some real fighters and got destroyed bald roid head don't impress me much just bully's

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most people simply cannot and do not want to fight , some daft enoughto belive they can and usually end up on the arse end of a beating of random hard individuals whom just love and excel at it , some of them dress it up real nice and come up smellign of roses everytime , pick on the right targets , some just bully any fecker, however their are genuine game lad swho can and will fight, amatuer boxers , martial art students etc and theres nowt more entertaining than seeign a bully get his comeupance when they pick on the wrong person,


Criminal underworld wise well the gun rules end of story, all ya need is stupidity level to pull the trigger and all is solved, staying free then becomes the trick, pull that off and the worlds or some shitty estate is your oyster

Edited by arcticgun
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Anyone seen the bareknuckle boxing that they are pushing to get recognised and given more respect I guess. B bad I think they are calling themselfs. Was given a clip of it as a bloke I meet through the dogs was on there. Not sure why they wouldn't just want to get into mma though seeing as its such a growing sport and already going good. Rather than fighting bare knuckle and hoping the opinions on it change which saddly I can't see happening just because of the media.


Your right in the comments above though and guns. My brothers 6ft 2 and is in decent shape but he lacks the heart. He won't let someone walk all over him but he'd let them get away with more than I would before snapping. Also seen a few big lads get their arse handed to them by smaller blokes. Maybe it's a shock to the system when someone actually wants to have it with em rather than beig scared of their size. It's not the size of the dog that's fighting its the size of the fight in the dog.


Guns however changed things for sure. Now the most dangerous criminals IMO are the stupid and poor ones. Sensible criminal with money will be living a good life and most I find are normal blokes around their family. He would have more of a brain and think more about shooting or stabbing someone. Thick c**ts with nothing to loose are so stupid that'll stab and shoot you over more aless f**k all. Think their gangsters but ain't got a pot to piss in so have nothing to loose. Was a bloke I knew in my old area not a mate but would say alright if I walked past him with the dog n ask what his getting upto on the weekend. Poor sod got shot in the head over a grand debt. A f***ing grand lol joke or what. Bloke who done it has been caught not had his trial yet though. So someone's dead and hell do a decent amount of bird over shelf stacking wages. Hardly a gangster just a thick c**t who needs locking up.

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I allways remember years ago being in the pub with me dad and his pals they was all talking about how rough a bouncer down the town was when a pal of me dads churped up " he's no good I only hit him behind the head with a chair.....down he went. Lol

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  On 23/10/2013 at 20:12, chid21 said:


  On 23/10/2013 at 19:57, bird said:


  On 23/10/2013 at 19:00, maxhardcore said:

He's a little tale and i wont mention names.

That little town i live near had a Big Mush who played debt collector type loan shark.

The lad was BIG kept in shape ect and was seen of as Hard ect

Anyways a lad of around 5'11 maybe 12 stone ( im guessing but some where near )

Giving 5 stone away to this Big mush had beef with him

They arranged to meet on a local Park just the two of them no mates ect

Smaller lad pulls up on road sees Big Mush with a couple of pals

Jumps out the car walks onto the park on his lonesome as arranged

Sees a few ten year olds playing footie says to them

See them Big lads over there im going to Fight the Big mush

He has a gang i havnt

You want to be in my gang

Kids exited say yeah

He walks over with few ten year olds

Wipes the floor with the mush in seconds

Now this lad looks nothing but is fast a fook and Bangs for his weight and is scared of no one.

No Roids ect just keeps himself fit.

Honestly to look at him you wouldnt have any idea he could Fight.

But fight he can.

as they say never judge a book by its cover, and very true with people.The bloke who taught me karate, was only about 5ft 6in 11st, but very fast+powerful . Ive seen him knock lads out in comp alot bigger than him self, very quite nice bloke never mouthy . :yes:


well im 5ft 5 and at the time weighed 10 stone ...

seen this big fecker picking on someone outside a club so told him if he thought he was hard try it with me ......

10 mins later i woke up with a sore nose and a black eye :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:




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  On 24/10/2013 at 07:37, arcticgun said:

a lot of them get the words 'gangster' and 'drug dealer' mixed up, Gangster lives off drug dealer (who also may work for gangster ) and many other employees of the underworld.

Drug dealer works for gangster? Then surely his a drug dealer his just higher up in the food chain? I suppose when you think of a gangster or villian you think of someone doing well for themself. Most dealers make hardly f**k all and aren't any sort of villian just salesmen and scumbags.

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