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I Nearly Had A F*cking Stroke!!!

Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Wouldn't be from the USA by any chance would it?

A sign of the times I rekon-seems lots of people are treating their pets more like kids than ever before.

Just listen in the vets waiting room when they insist on calling pets by their "first" names.

"would Mrs Smith and Victoria come through please?"


No word of a lie,there is a young couple near my home with a Rottie called Rebecca!!!!!!

Adverts for dogs in the local paper always refer to "two boys and one girl waiting for a home".

Of course nobody would deny that most pets are respected and looked after by people who may or may not have kids,but to treat them like that ,dress them up and feed them baby food is not respectfull or humane.

Nuff said. :angry:

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  • 1 month later...





:censored: Any of you lads ~ or girls ~ that have kept working ferrets for decades. Fed them dead things. Kept them in proper housing. Know About ferrets; Take a look at This! Then tell me ye blood didn't start to boil within a couple of clicks!


That's where the sort of shit we so often hear espoused on here is coming from; The 'Fuzzy Wuzzy (f*cking) Ferret Brigade'.


Feed them shit. Feed them supplements because the diet ye force on them is shit. Vaccinate them because their immune systems are shit - because ye feed them shit! Dress Them Up!!! :wallbash:


I'm out of here before my f*cking head explodes! Kerhist All F*cking Mighty!

anyone who puts a bonnet on a ferret deserves to get f***ing bit by one and i mean locked on haha disgrace that

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they had ferret outfits at my local market a few weeks back, the girl on the stall said she got them in for ME



:rofl: .... :rofl: .... :rofl: ....Come on mate, your'e gonna have to buy one or two off here now, especially as she ordered them in special for you.



SINDASOX :clapper:

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