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Electric Shock Collar ?

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There is no need to use a shock collar unless in extreme situations, and even then you have to know HOW to best use it. There are so many other positive training options than this available to the thi

E-collars are awesome! Every dog I own is trained to recall when I push the tone function. They hear beep-beep-beep and stop and come straight to me. This holds true even if they are in hot pursuit

if you do go down this road! there is know need to zap him! they have a buzz setting on the collar! first try recall training first! i found getting the dog to heel at my side on command helped with r

whistle,sausages,whistle,sausages.lamp off, whistle,sausages,whistle,cheese,lamp off whistle .cheese repetition is the key to good behaviour day or night, you need to make yourself more fun than hunting in the dark or sniffing grass daytime

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  On 21/10/2013 at 13:38, paulus said:

whistle,sausages,whistle,sausages.lamp off, whistle,sausages,whistle,cheese,lamp off whistle .cheese repetition is the key to good behaviour day or night, you need to make yourself more fun than hunting in the dark or sniffing grass daytime

haaaaaaaa cheese and sausage I got salukis lol they want best steak !!! :laugh::laugh: and even that don't work , I was thinking about getting them hearing aids :laugh:

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  On 21/10/2013 at 13:42, riohog said:


  On 21/10/2013 at 13:38, paulus said:

whistle,sausages,whistle,sausages.lamp off, whistle,sausages,whistle,cheese,lamp off whistle .cheese repetition is the key to good behaviour day or night, you need to make yourself more fun than hunting in the dark or sniffing grass daytime

haaaaaaaa cheese and sausage I got salukis lol they want best steak !!! :laugh::laugh: and even that don't work , I was thinking about getting them hearing aids :laugh:


saluki`s you have to use a long bungee cord tied around your waist :laugh:

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  On 21/10/2013 at 13:44, paulus said:


  On 21/10/2013 at 13:42, riohog said:


  On 21/10/2013 at 13:38, paulus said:

whistle,sausages,whistle,sausages.lamp off, whistle,sausages,whistle,cheese,lamp off whistle .cheese repetition is the key to good behaviour day or night, you need to make yourself more fun than hunting in the dark or sniffing grass daytime

haaaaaaaa cheese and sausage I got salukis lol they want best steak !!! :laugh::laugh: and even that don't work , I was thinking about getting them hearing aids :laugh:


saluki`s you have to use a long bungee cord tied around your waist :laugh:


yeah about fkn 4 miles long :laugh:

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Iv had him 2 years he was 14 months old when I got him through a friends friend which he had no time with work cometments.i was wanting to get into the sport and didn't have no experiance to start with a pup, at first I was happy with him then as I progress in the sport I wanted him to but he seems to be getting worse with his recall.

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  On 21/10/2013 at 13:45, riohog said:


  On 21/10/2013 at 13:44, paulus said:


  On 21/10/2013 at 13:42, riohog said:


  On 21/10/2013 at 13:38, paulus said:

whistle,sausages,whistle,sausages.lamp off, whistle,sausages,whistle,cheese,lamp off whistle .cheese repetition is the key to good behaviour day or night, you need to make yourself more fun than hunting in the dark or sniffing grass daytime

haaaaaaaa cheese and sausage I got salukis lol they want best steak !!! :laugh::laugh: and even that don't work , I was thinking about getting them hearing aids :laugh:


saluki`s you have to use a long bungee cord tied around your waist :laugh:


yeah about fkn 4 miles long :laugh:


no you can get away with a mile but depends on how fast you can run in the other direction mind they do use them ears to steer as they fly back through the air.

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Iv tryed hot dogs, cheese, peperami, ham,cicken, when I'm out in day staight back once slipped in field he's not in trested in food. My thinking is with the collar is zap him when he hunting up and stop when he comes back hopefully he will realise that the pain stops once he starts to come back to me and ill give he loads of praise when he does come back. ?

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That's not how to use one at all they don't give dog pain they shock the dog and it thinks oh f**k what was that I better go to who I know and that would be you but you can't just shock a dog Willy nilly it can make them worse if ya don't know what the hel ya doing with one answer ya pm I sent

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  On 21/10/2013 at 14:17, Dranny GLC said:

Iv tryed hot dogs, cheese, peperami, ham,cicken, when I'm out in day staight back once slipped in field he's not in trested in food. My thinking is with the collar is zap him when he hunting up and stop when he comes back hopefully he will realise that the pain stops once he starts to come back to me and ill give he loads of praise when he does come back. ?

With the best will in the world just by that one post above you don't have the understanding to use an ecollar or what there for.

Can you honestly say you've tried all other methods?

Do you feel like your the dogs best pal and have properly bonded with him?

Ecollars imo have there place but there a last resort and even so I'm not looking to cause the dog any pain just break focus for a split second and usually the vibrate setting is usually enough to do this.

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Yes I av got a good bond with him durin the day this recall is perfect but I can't get near him when lamping he just won't come back till he wants to. Till he has scared everything away. I might not av the understanding on how to use a ecollar but I really am losing my rag with him, this is his 3 season with me and should be getting to grips with what we do, there 4 off us that go out and none of my mates dogs do it. It's not like I can work his recall because he comes back everytime in the day and on a night where there's no rabbits. But once there's rabbits he off

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Ok so your losing your rag already has he had a clump when he finally come back on the lamp?

There isn't a cut off time for good recall it good or it isn't and it sounds like the dog feels he can do a better job than you of putting game in front of him.

Do you always go out with your mates and is this pride getting the better of you?

The easiest thing to do is bury the dog buy another and try again but what have you learnt.....nothing.

The dogs not a new one so some of this must've been learnt and to turn him around will take time as gaz1989 said on a previous post took 6 months to train his to a decent level.

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No I don't hit him I just didn't run him again. It is embarrassing that he doesn't come back on a night because he does during the day. I av taken him out by himself but its just the same. Lamp on rabbit chase it if he gets it kills and drops it in field I go and get the dead rabbit then look for him and he's running down other end of field. I shout him to recall like I do everyday when out walking him but he continues running about,or he final comes back, but sits or stands about 10 yards away from me till I walk after him again and put him back on the slip.

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