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British Inmates Bullied Into Coverting To Islam

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methinks they might be doing it to be akward and piss of the prison system. regardless i wouldnt become a member of the tribe just for a few extra privellages

nail on the head there scott, that's more then likely why lads a doing it not because their scared or being bullied.

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And then torch it.

It does with enough petrol poured on

that's why I think muslims are always angry no beer & bacon!

Do the Muzzies get extra privileges inside?

YES and thats one of the reasons why when people first go through reception in prison they say theyr muslim, they get better food for it, if they dont say that, they see the privillages the muslims are getting a few weeks/months into theyr sentence then become a muslim, the government will never put muslims in one prison and british in another, it just winds me up all this talk about muslims, NOTHING ever gets done about it, polish, asain, chez rebublic or what ther are, russains,turkish, and many many more theyr all over here bleeding this country dry for what ever they can get, i was watching question time the other night, and what got said was even the polish, ( i think it was polish) professors are coming over here working as cleaners for minumum wage as it a dam sight more than what theyr getting over in theyr country, most of the world has come here to europe, for better lifes better money / housing ect ect, the thing is theres not enough housing or work for the british , never mind the rest of the cxnts coming over here, they take the piss out of our benifit system/housing benifits child benifits, theyr on top dollar compared to theyr own country, this country has gone to the dogs and it will only get worse and worse !!!!!!!!! we need an uprising . and a government thats going to help sort the problem out

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On 20/10/2013 at 16:54, keepdiggin said:


On 20/10/2013 at 15:42, scothunter said:


methinks they might be doing it to be akward and piss of the prison system. regardless i wouldnt become a member of the tribe just for a few extra privellages

nail on the head there scott, that's more then likely why lads a doing it not because their scared or being bullied.
Edited by grant_c
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