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bought one of these yesterday and have just finished setting it up on my rifle. going to take it out tomorrow to give it a bash. before i go out though, i reckon i might have to upgrade to a laser illuminator to get the distance. but ill see. also i kept reading that by putting a add-on it makes it uncomfortable with having to position your head further back, personally i cant really tell the difference. i havent got it attached to one of their reccommended scopes but just for now ill use it with my simmons 4-12x40 AO front end parralax untill i buy a scope next week.






excuse the poor picture picture quality. done on my nokia.






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Hiya Mate


Nice piece of kit, hope it does the job for you.

If you're interested i have a new batch of 4.5-14x50 and 6-24x50 side parallax scopes in ready for the Midland.

They work very well with both the GB night vision and the Archer so should be fine with your unit as well.


If you are interested let me know.



best regards






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Guest foxyforce1
  richie said:
do any of your scopes eye pieces have an external measurement of less than 38mm diameter ?





that looks like a good bit of kit, how much did it set you back?


cheers Billy

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went out last night to give the merlin the test. after a minute or so of getting it attached and quickly set up i began my stalk on some previously lamp shy rabbits and would of been a pain to use the ferrets on as this part of the ground is totally overgrown with brambles ect.


the view that i was getting through the scope was quite limited, i was using my simmons 4-12x40 AO front end parralax, which turned out to be a bit of a bollock ache having to keep reaching to the front to fine focus.


waiting for the first to appear, it was nice having a bit of time to try to work out the distance concidering this was my first real time with night vision. took a shot and he went down. it wasnt long before another showed him self and got the same, probably came out to see where his mate was.


after waiting another 30 or so minutes i put the unit on and saw another 3 were out, so i planned which to take first then to go on to the other. i only managed to pop 2 off. then on the way home i just stopped on a brow of a hill and saw one sitting there and had him aswell.


one thing i will have to change is the 150mw ir and swap it for a 90mw laser to get the extra visible distance. also when i got back indoors i swapped the scope over to my nikko stirling 6-24x56 and the picture quality has increased by 10x.


just looking forward to my next journeyt out when i have the laser.


next time im out with the set up as i want it ill take out a decent camera to take some still shots of the view through the scope.


i can now say im addicted to nv, its going to make my job much easier. :thumbs:




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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • 5 months later...
  I.BRENNAN said:
hello i'm a new member could you tell me how much your illuminator and addapter costs mate

i,ve got a cobra merlin on mtc viper scope and the light is blocked by the big turrets


ian ;)


Contact Geoffrey at nightvisionsupplies.co.uk and he'll supply you with a dedicated mount for the laser which will allow you to attach the laser to the scope forward of the turrets.

Edited by C3PO
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