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Less Broken . . .

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Some may remember that the whippet had a bang right at the start of the season. . . . and I thought he may have had to have his toe off etc.


Anyway. . . . I took some advice and went to see a good vet in London. . . . a fair old drive. . . . .


But two months after he banged it. . . I let him off the lead for the first time earlier this week. .just for an hour in the fields around the house . . . . as we had a gusty rainy night. . .


He was a bit rusty but it was good to see him run. . . .


And he can still walk. . . . so heres hoping that it's behind us and we can get on with the season.


Had a bit more fun since that night, it's good to have my best mate out with me again.



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Joe - did you not get mine? probably i-phone error. I invited you up today for a walk in the forest and you didn't come :cray: Ignorant sod! :tongue2: Need to speak soon matey :thumbs: Hope you an O are well :victory:


Cheers Stan and Colin. . . . i'm happy. . . . we'll see how long it lasts . . . it's even money on which will come first, him back at peak fitness or him back in sick bay. Fingers crossed eh.


Had him out with Gwen this afternoon, doing a bit of flushing, had a lovely hunt, and he's a bit sore now. :thumbs:

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I had a much better day anyway cheers, went to Cardiff on the train, lost my house/car keys , which was only discovered when we returned to the local station, I also did the 'i thought you had the keys' joke and then discovered I'd actually lost them, walked back to the house with tired, pregnant wife, then began my version of a milk tray advert , except fatter with wheezing, scaled the back fence ok, struggled hauling my arse up on to the balcony and had to wriggle like a walrus to get through the window.

On last can of bow then I'll have to start the Guinness.



Sounds like you're like me and need to lose a bit of weight mate. :laugh: nothing worse than losing your keys thou. :(

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