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New Member From The South West!!

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Good morning all!!


My names Sean J, I'm male, 26 and from the Cotswold area. My entire life I've been into bushcraft, self sufficieny, survialist scenarios, expeditions etc but strangely never hunting!! Well all that changed after a trip to Kent to see my fiancé's father, hes a keen hunter and was adament on taking me out!! Needless to say I loved it and think its definately a skill I need to add to my skill set. I'm also fortunate that the land my property is based on is in abundance of varmint like rats and squirrels and lots of rabbits.

I havent yet bought a gun (strictly sticking to air rifles) as to be perfectly honest I know nothing about guns!! What sort of gun I should buy is something I will definately run past people on this forum as I have no idea what is suited for my requirements, needs etc but I also want to learn skills like making blinds/hides for hunting, how to skin animals and most definatly how best to cook them (with the exception of rat, I am not eating rat!!).


I look forward to asking lots of questions and sucking up lots of knowledge from yourselfs!!


Many thanks,


Sean J

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I just joined on here after buying an air rifle 4 months ago, I have a pcp one, Day State Air Ranger, and amazed at how accurate it is. Still have my old springer rifle from school boy days and have dragged this out for a bit of target shooting too.

There was plenty of advice when I was looking to buy an air rifle, I was fortunate enough to have an HFT club nearby and managed to shoot a few rifles before buying my gun.

Have fun and look forward to hearing your updates.

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