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Large Reward! Dogs Stolen From Rspca

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The RSPCA keep on doing it, because they keep on getting away with it.   Something NEEDS to be done, pointless taking them to court.   The next time it happens every working dog owner within 100 m

I wouldnt believe it......even if I saw police reports !

That why we need your case to succeed and get national exposure, we need to stop these b*****ds getting free reign to ride roughshod over everyone

They raided me a month back and took 2 bull xs and 2 terriers and all gear dogs weren't sore or markt up fresh but took and said under investigation s speacial unit for sspca and lad Kevin roach I haven't been charged or done does any one know how long can keep dogs if haven't been charged they took the wee girls iPad Air that wasn't even out rapper... All too say I'm gutted and it's just a waiting game... All best cheers sub

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They have to charge you within 6 months or return everything its a disgrace that the rspca can fabricate reasons to get a warrant signed and do this to any one who hunts the law needs changing and fast. I just hope nothing happens to your dogs bud They tend not to care or look after any animal used for hunting !! they often are killed lost stolen or abused by the rspca Good luck getting them back

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They have to charge you within 6 months or return everything its a disgrace that the rspca can fabricate reasons to get a warrant signed and do this to any one who hunts the law needs changing and fast. I just hope nothing happens to your dogs bud They tend not to care or look after any animal used for hunting !! they often are killed lost stolen or abused by the rspca Good luck getting them back


That why we need your case to succeed and get national exposure, we need to stop these b*****ds getting free reign to ride roughshod over everyone

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  • 2 months later...

Case wpuldnt be dropped case would be worse now they can say what they want any way f**k the case its the dogs that are more important there lying c**ts id get solicitor id want cctv log numbers times dates etc ive had mates that have had there dogs nicked die putdown etc in the rspca care hope you find them and all turns out ok rspca are fu,king useless b*****ds

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The RSPCA keep on doing it, because they keep on getting away with it.


Something NEEDS to be done, pointless taking them to court.


The next time it happens every working dog owner within 100 mile radius should attend


That way it will hit the National news papers and we could show the country what they are really like.


But it will never happen in this country because we NEVER stick together.


Can you imagine what the French would do if there government tried to ban hunting over there.

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How's is that right on the lad and his dogs, and also when the is all other bad stuff going on and they get less.. RSPCA, DO INFORMER DEALS WITH ANIMAL ABUSERS, PAEDOPHILE AND PLAIN GRASSES, THAT IS ALSO THE TRUTH

As soon as you sink to the level of calling people,or organisations,Paedo,s or abusers,then the argument is lost and you sink to the same depths that the rspca and such like organisations gain the majority of their ignorant and gullible audience from.They certainly have informers though.

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