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Mostly I use the bulldog rabbiter,,,3 rd one along in the pic,, but I like the little army one at the end,, it's great for sandy soil you can get right in the hole with it,, the long trenching type has a steel shaft,, and can smash through stuff...


Buts it rare for me to use the others now,,



il have that big one lol

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Mostly I use the bulldog rabbiter,,,3 rd one along in the pic,, but I like the little army one at the end,, it's great for sandy soil you can get right in the hole with it,, the long trenching type has a steel shaft,, and can smash through stuff...

Buts it rare for me to use the others now,,spades004.jpg

I also use a bulldog rabbit spade, but I do also have a small army one as well. It's good if you are under a hedge rather than having a long handle getting caught up in the hedge.

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