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Shot count with the carbine is less than the standard length but nothing to choose between for accuracy, the carbine is a little easier to tote around in the field, if pushed, personally I would say the standard length feels a little more stable for HFT; and also when unsupported standing shots are taken, but both are beautifully balanced. Don’t be paranoid about the weight difference as you will get used to either. Only fit an aftermarket lighter weight air cylinder for the extra shot count if needed, but quite honestly you have more than enough available good shots for a field shoot or HFT. If you have the opportunity to try both, go with your instinct and not what other people recommend.

Regards, Steve

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I have the KT and I think its a lovely balanced rifle with the standard cylinder, and not too heavy.

my first impressions were it was a bit short, very pointable, and lighter than I thought It would be.


if I could have tried a full length aswell I would have probably gone for full length!!


but im weird haha


so try both if possible, but if not you wont regret whichever version you get, they are cracking air rifles mate

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