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Rhys 3 Year Old...catty Shot...

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Been working on the aim with my son... previously he had been 'pointing and shooting'... which has cost me a few plastic boxes and a cardboard box...never mind the richochet :laugh: ...


I realised his bands were too short...for his little arms to draw back...so lengthened them so he could shoot properly...


Up until now... i have been grateful that he wants to handle the catapults... and never put any thought into teaching him how to hit a target...


But it seems he wants to copy what i do...and hit something...


So after 5 minutes of playing around we got something that he understands....


OK...this isnt the worlds greatest shot.... an adult could hardly miss :whistling: .... but to a 3 year old... it takes a great amount of concentration and skill.... to master holding the catty...the pouch...releasing the ammo at the right time....correct aim...and so on....


A lot to think about...


Thought id share it with you... for sure there will be more to follow ;)


Edited by B.P.R
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well done the wee man.

starting so young will make him an excellent shot

especialy with his own made to measure slingshot.

it,s so good to see your lad doin his stuff in this world of political correctness and anti,s

he.s our future

i remember when my lads were younger and teaching them to shoot airguns in the back garden

it was mostly how to be safe and respect for the gun , the lad next door was looking with envy over the fence so i invited him over , with consent from his dad.

needless to say he had a great time and learned a lot

next day when his mum found out she politley asked me not to let him do it again because she didn,t want him gettin involved in ;that sort of stuff;

she was quite happy to let him play human killing games on playststion etc but not tin cans in my back garden

never could get my head round that one.

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Well done mate he looks really proud of himself with that big smile on his face.... ps please say that's your man shed and not your house lol

Thats the living room at the minute.... just need to clear a little junk and a bit of painting still to do :thumbs: ...

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Had another few practice shots today...when stevie 'whipbed' was round having a shoot....


The audience...and pressure must have got to him... missing his first...but nailing it after that!... :yes: ...


Just trying to teach him right....


You can see...him bringing the ammo pouch...upto his cheek like i had taught him... ;)

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