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Hello folks I'm a new member from Scotland. I run a pack of eight small hounds that are made up of Beagle x Basset / Harrier x Beagle / Beagles / Foxhound x Terrier and a pair of griffons. They are used as a gun pack over the length and breadth of Scotland. Joined this site for advice and general chat concerning hounds and Terriers. Cheers jaspper1

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Yes foxhound x terrier he's actually 3/4 terrier 1/4 foxhound I. Got the first x from a pack up North where a terrier had lined the foxhound bitch a couple of the larger ones were run on and we're good but for the fighting. I got a small short legged bitch from the litter that couldn't keep up with the foxhounds she was about 18" at the shoulder. One of my terriers got her and there were three pups one was like a 25" lurcher with hound lugs one was small like a dash hound and the last was like a large fell terrier he stands about 21" good at his job and if a young hound takes off on Roe the terrier x comes right to me with his head hung and tail down, so he gives me a good heads up just can't box him up with the rest of the hounds he's a bit of a scrapper. The rest of the pack are all hounds and range from 15" which is a Griffon bitch and the largest has Harrier in him and he stands at 24" . If they hit open ground then yes the larger hounds cover the ground a lot quicker but in tight cover the smaller ones come into there own so a mixed pack works better for me.

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