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Shooting A Theoben Eliminator.

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I seen eliminators for sale at fairly cheap prices, so I'm interested to read what they're like to own and use. If anybody on here has owned and experienced one, I'd be interested as I've been considering getting one. I'm not interested in comparisons to pcp's, just the eliminator and how it performs as a self contained mechanical air rifle, thanks.

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Not a rifle you will find popular in ownership due to it being exclusively FAC-rated only Rimfireboy! :hmm: I once considered getting one on my ticket but, after trying it out, in both .177 and .22 I found the rifle very heavy on recoil and a potential scope smasher. I would never allow a HAWKE scope on this gun, for certain. I doubt they make a model that would survive the hammering. :huh:


You will need to uprate your scope to one that can withstand the amount of whiplash recoil the Eliminator dishes out at around 30-ft/lbs. Nikko Stirling or Simmons would be your best bet here. And you would have to well up on your recoiling rifle shooting technique. This can be a hold-fussy rifle to get used to shooting with at first.


It's not a bad rifle, it has a very nice, classical hunting rifle look, which drew me to it but, there are better, more efficient and scope-friendly ways to shoot with 30+ft/lbs of power from an air rifle.


Try one if you can and see for yourself. I'm sure there will be some who'll swear by this gas-ram air rifle's performance. But it's not for me :thumbs:


Best wishes.


Edited by pianoman
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Thanks pianoman. I already own a theoben sirocco gas ram and at just below twelve ft lbs, its a lovely air rifle to shoot. That's what I was wondering, at two and a half times the power, what are the elimiminators like to use. Also, would I be happy to fill a slot on my ticket with one of these? They do seem to sell at " a lot of gun for the money" prices, maybe it's because they're hard to live with?

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I must admit I have not heard anything nice from those I know who've had one on their licence rimfireboy!. Too much recoil is the main complaint. It will certainly "Eliminate" many an unwary scope! :huh:


:hmm: As a thought, I have an HW80 .22 on my licence tuned at 21.3 ft/lbs. If I put it into a CS500 sporter stock from Custom Stocks of Sheffield, I would have a rifle that looks exactly like an Eliminator and shoots way better than the Theoben rifle.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Rimfireboy,

I have owned the Theoben Eliminator one in a .22 caliber and the other in a .25 caliber. These rifles both had 30/FT LBS. These rifle are very good for hunting and for plinking. My only problem with these rifles are very pellets fusy.You need to try different makes to see which one works well for your rifle.I dont know who many tins off pellets I went through trying out the pellets. My rifle like to shoot pointed and hollow point in H+N these had the yellow tin lid. You just have to try the rifle your self.I know after a day shooting your arms will be sore after cocking the break barrel all day with that much pressure. And one other thing you will need plenty scopes as well. I dont know how many scopes I went threw with these rifles to find which did not crack the cross hairs in the scope. If I remember I bought a Simmons White tail 3.5.x14x50 I think. I dont know what is on the U.K market in scopes.But you need one to stand up the recoil of the rifle. If you need any more help please let me know gladly help you out.

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the best to run these is t 18-20ftlb if you want 30 pcp is the way to go but from 20-30 theres ahel of a lot of difference in recoil and the he system also makes a lot of difference in cocking

Edited by andy97
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