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Wheaton Terriers

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I think the last year federation trials ware held was back in 1984 ... here are some photos of Wheaten Terriers from before then....        

I have to disagree with you there Niel as a lurcher is a very handy tool around a dig,even more so than the gun.Both you and i have seen foxs slip out unnoticed and be out of gun shot range in no time

I dug 4 foxes Sunday morning for 3 digs in a place where they're not a problem and gets heavily lamped. I ended all 3 digs the same way. No gun used (even though I had one) , no strong dog, no handli

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I've seen both bull and wheatens worked, bull more aggressive and will blow out quicker than than the wheaten - wheaten seems smarter and defo quieter, in fact near mute.

there meant to work mute.if they give any noise its frowned upon so ive been told. id have wheatens over bulls everyday of week.

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I've seen both bull and wheatens worked, bull more aggressive and will blow out quicker than than the wheaten - wheaten seems smarter and defo quieter, in fact near mute.

there meant to work mute.if they give any noise its frowned upon so ive been told. id have wheatens over bulls everyday of week.


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I've seen both bull and wheatens worked, bull more aggressive and will blow out quicker than than the wheaten - wheaten seems smarter and defo quieter, in fact near mute.

there meant to work mute.if they give any noise its frowned upon so ive been told. id have wheatens over bulls everyday of week.


In the days gone by, I.e. Legal days, they trialled wheatens, pits and staffs etc. they were scored on speed and noise. If the dog made noise it was disqualified. Is that your take Turkish?

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