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Deer Id

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If you look closely enough you can see blood in between the legs , the other side of the deer was wrecked guts hanging out . Was a roadkill so picked it up for the mutts ...

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Very thrifty of you Chid. A delicate gralloch required there as shes tight as a drum.. well she is on the outside anyway, might be a minging mush on the inside if shes been hit by a car.


Fallow and sika hinds can have similar pelage in winter coat but the head shape, caudle patch and metatarsal gland on the hock give sika away.

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Road kill Deer is hard to beat...I got a lovely RED STAG two years ago in fine condition..


Although another GENTLEMAN thought it belonged to him, and got a little emotional...He did in fact, cause quite a stir about this beast he laid claim too...


Silly little fat man he is. :laugh:

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