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Finding Stuff. . . .

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Arnold from differnt strokes

If its Madeline McCann ask her what happened cause am f***ing fed up arguing about it!!!

so even from a kd you were into bushes haha oj, I would have pawned it with the high gold prices, I foung a gold ring as a kid and my grannies mate gave me a 5er for it but always said when I was

my lass went to the bank machine and there was £300 hanging out belive it or not she swooped the money but crumbled 10 mins later and handed it in to the police we got a letter 6 month later asking for her to go in she was bricking it didnt say what for but you should of seen her chops when she come out with the £300

new striker ayeeeeee

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around 40 years ago i found a wallet containing containing 70 odd quid, being a boy scout i took it to the local police station, they booked it in and gave me a receipt and told me if nobody claimed it in 12 weeks it would be mine, 12 weeks to the day i returned to the police station only to be told as nobody had claimed it, it had been donated to the police benevolent fund :icon_eek: once bitten twice shy as they say :laugh:

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around 40 years ago i found a wallet containing containing 70 odd quid, being a boy scout i took it to the local police station, they booked it in and gave me a receipt and told me if nobody claimed it in 12 weeks it would be mine, 12 weeks to the day i returned to the police station only to be told as nobody had claimed it, it had been donated to the police benevolent fund :icon_eek: once bitten twice shy as they say :laugh:

It went in some fuckers pocket in other words mate! :laugh: :laugh:
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around 40 years ago i found a wallet containing containing 70 odd quid, being a boy scout i took it to the local police station, they booked it in and gave me a receipt and told me if nobody claimed it in 12 weeks it would be mine, 12 weeks to the day i returned to the police station only to be told as nobody had claimed it, it had been donated to the police benevolent fund :icon_eek: once bitten twice shy as they say :laugh:

It went in some fuckers pocket in other words mate! :laugh: :laugh:


surely not with the police being upstanding pillars of the community :laugh::laugh:

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Was driving about with a mate not long age seen a gun case in the middle of a country lane stopped and had a look was a double barrel 12 bore. Put it back in the case and a mate took it in to the police station was both shitting it on the way there. A couple of days later my mate gets a phone all of a local gamekeeper apperantly had fell out the back of his truck !!! Offered us a few pints at the local pub but wouldn't give us permission lol.

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Was driving about with a mate not long age seen a gun case in the middle of a country lane stopped and had a look was a double barrel 12 bore. Put it back in the case and a mate took it in to the police station was both shitting it on the way there. A couple of days later my mate gets a phone all of a local gamekeeper apperantly had fell out the back of his truck !!! Offered us a few pints at the local pub but wouldn't give us permission lol.


supprised he never lost his ticket, missplacing someing like that :hmm: :hmm:


where would you have stood if no one collected it after x amount of days?? if you had a licence would you get it ? :hmm:

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Was driving about with a mate not long age seen a gun case in the middle of a country lane stopped and had a look was a double barrel 12 bore. Put it back in the case and a mate took it in to the police station was both shitting it on the way there. A couple of days later my mate gets a phone all of a local gamekeeper apperantly had fell out the back of his truck !!! Offered us a few pints at the local pub but wouldn't give us permission lol.


supprised he never lost his ticket, missplacing someing like that :hmm: :hmm:


where would you have stood if no one collected it after x amount of days?? if you had a licence would you get it ? :hmm:

That's what I said to my mate as soon as he came out but the feller got it back no probs he said to us he if it of ended up in the wrong hands he'd of been in deep shit. I've heard of people people losing air guns for less though.

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Fancy him not giving you permission,, can't get more trustworthy,,,, even if it was just a few days out, cos he already had lads on.


Door man I used to work with was like a magpie for finding stuff,, we did an R n B night once aweek,, the fecker found this great big thick gold bracelet hanging on the back of a toilet door,,,and this thing was heavy,,, what was more remarkable was two week later,, he found a thick chunky necklace on the same hook on the back of the toilet door,,,


Then one night after work we called in at a garage ,,, he goes up to the little window to pay for his fuel,,, and laying on the floor was £200 quid with one of those paper bands round it , like you get from the bank,,, and to cap it off,, there was an extra tenner stuck in it......jammy c**t


No he didn't hand anything in,,,lol

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We hand stuff in all the time from work we keep it a month then it goes to the police three months later they send you a letter but they wont hand out mobile phones etc or electrical equipment saying about stored information on electrical equipment

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