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Some of the older fellas on here will remember these becoming the new wonder bait in the eighties...making up your own at first with Munchies mixed with eggs etc ,if you were lucky mam had a bottle of food colouring and theyd be red or yellow :icon_eek: then from there it all got a bit complicated,sodium casseinate :icon_eek: and the likes,and a plethora of new flavours hit the market,Richworths developed ready mades (Pukka Salmon,Tutti Frutti :boogy: )all of wich seemed magical,elitist(if im honest :icon_redface: )and all in all a little bit special......So today Im out at the shop Home Bargains (like poundland for those who don't have em)buying cheap bog roll :blink: and cheaper teabags,gets to the end of the aisle .....and guess whats there Scopex Boilies :icon_eek::icon_eek: :icon_eek: :icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek: whats next....who would have believed it .....progress :hmm: whats next...worlds gone mad :laugh:

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I don't really know what constitutes "tipping it in"..... To me it all depends what head of different fish there are. What size the carp run to etc etc .........if there is a lot of nice carp in the u

love using the tutti's still as good now as they was all that time ago.....     location is far more important...

Been there and done it , now its as little tackle as possible traveling light stalking along the river with only my self to please , looking for chub and barbel

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There shit steer well clear of them.

Wouldn't dream of it :laugh: Im old school...if I want some Ill make em :yes: just found it mind blowing seeing boilies for sale in a cheapo supermarket :laugh: it was all cloak and dagger years ago(first rule of Carp Club...we don't talk about Carp Club :ninja::big_boss: )and now this :laugh: mind blowing....anyway back to my packet of Lemon Puffs (69p) surprisingly tasty and not nearly as gay as they sound :laugh::laugh:

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There shit steer well clear of them.


Wouldn't dream of it :laugh: Im old school...if I want some Ill make em :yes: just found it mind blowing seeing boilies for sale in a cheapo supermarket :laugh: it was all cloak and dagger years ago(first rule of Carp Club...we don't talk about Carp Club :ninja::big_boss: )and now this :laugh: mind blowing....anyway back to my packet of Lemon Puffs (69p) surprisingly tasty and not nearly as gay as they sound :laugh::laugh:

Good man. a friend of mine has recently passed away but a few weeks before he made some smashing pop Ups and boilies. They started selling them in a few well known tackle shops and the reports are still coming in now of good captures on them. I only fish in the colder months and I'm confident that these "monster crab" and nbytric should do the job. Atb

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I remember when I was a kid making them out of Weetabix, marmite and cat food

used to take loads of fish with them


fitchet don't spill that nbytric in the house like I did once :no:


Lol this nbytric smells like a bed of roses compared to this hutcheys monster crab.

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Get on the hybrid mate......


I tend to steer well clear of mainline products matey ..... It went through a spell of bieng the bait of choice for a local water due to a local bieng able to get hold of it. It soon went out of fashion though as Alot of them do.

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couple mates of mine have got into the boilie making big time,FAT BOY BAITS,ok there his plug :D ,they are earning a few quid out of it as well although the set up for producing of even 40/50kg a night is expensive and very time consuming,he brings a couple of each new batch he makes into work and we do the usual with them,smell,break them open even taste them then i have to guess whats in them :laugh:

flavour houses are very tight lipped about the stuff they use samples are easy to obtain but to get the exact ingrediants is rare if not impossible still a lot of hush hush on the scene.

iv always been a firm believer of using fresh frozen over shelf life any day,cheers

Edited by hunter1372
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a good food bait will outlast an attractor bait every time


I use b5 with a few things added

When i used to make all my own bait a long time a go i had 3 mixes Fishmeal/Birdseed/Milk protien, then just added different flavours, or change the flavour

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