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Thinking Of Getting A 2Nd Rifle

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Listen Ladies, I have owned and fired both a hatsan 60s and hw95.


No way can you compare a Hatsan to the HW


It's like comparing a mondeo to a rolls royce, A hatsan is £100.00, accuracy wise not the best, you will not get pellet on pellet, i find them stiff and twangy, not the best but it's ok, fine for plinking the targets, it does the job like the mondeo, it's average and for what you pay for it not bad, with tuning can be improved.


However the HW is so much more then average, but then at £300, three times the cost of the hatsan, it should be, very accurate, smooth action, the best break barrel you can buy.


However not everyone can afford an hw. Hatsan are better the the smk anyday.

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lol you aint going to like an smk much after a hw97 for sure.

Whoa there boy, you want accurate, you want good build? Look for a secondhand HW80, 90, 95 or 99! The 99 is the lightest, followed by the 95!

Your very well informed for a beginner

Now if everybody reads what I posted, what the OP replied and how I responded, I initially recommended the secondhand HWs, the OP said he thought they were still going to be too much so was still looking at new boxed low priced rifles, which is why I recommended the 60S.


However if the OP keeps a keen eye on Freecycle, Firday Ads, Gumtree and the like, he might happen to find a nice bargain air rife of high quality (such as HW) but at a lower cost than even he thought possible!

Edited by secretagentmole
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