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A matter of choice?......we are talking about kids not a pair of f***ing shoes! Every parent in the world sometimes wishes they could just go off and do whatever they feel like without having to thin

Fair enough reply but I'm sorry matey, a mistake is when you put petrol instead of diesel in your motor, it's cutting your finger with a bread knife or forgetting to put the kids dinner money in their

I don't know how far legally no and I don't care, look at the hunting laws and its plain to see the lawmakers ain't got our best interest and common sense in mind when passing there shitty laws. I hav

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The last time council estate parents left a kid wandering about to get picked up and killed it made national news for a few days.........strangely enough i cant remember the name of the child or the parents now :hmm: still i suppose being intelligent wealthy people does have its drawbacks !

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Because the kids of the other people sitting round the table are still alive...........


Because the kids of the other people sitting round the table are still alive...........Simple.



I guess what I`m saying is that your asking if they were unlucky or not and it just surprised me that's all.... to me those people will never deserve to be called unlucky ! unlucky applies to an accident .....what they did was intentional

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Because the kids of the other people sitting round the table are still alive...........


Because the kids of the other people sitting round the table are still alive...........Simple.



I guess what I`m saying is that your asking if they were unlucky or not and it just surprised me that's all.... to me those people will never deserve to be called unlucky ! unlucky applies to an accident .....what they did was intentional


Im not asking anything mate......i dont need a weatherman to tell me when its raining i can look out the window and see for myself....................if you lined Myra Hindley,Ian Brady,Jack the Ripper and Hannibal Lecter up together one can still be unlucky.....................being unlucky is not some sort of consolation prize that lets you off the hook......i think your misunderstanding what im saying.

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Because the kids of the other people sitting round the table are still alive...........


Because the kids of the other people sitting round the table are still alive...........Simple.



I guess what I`m saying is that your asking if they were unlucky or not and it just surprised me that's all.... to me those people will never deserve to be called unlucky ! unlucky applies to an accident .....what they did was intentional


Im not asking anything mate......i dont need a weatherman to tell me when its raining i can look out the window and see for myself....................if you lined Myra Hindley,Ian Brady,Jack the Ripper and Hannibal Lecter up together one can still be unlucky.....................being unlucky is not some sort of consolation prize that lets you off the hook......i think your misunderstanding what im saying.




I was referring to your question on page 31 that's all mate ! if I misunderstood you then `I`m sorry ....atb .

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They were unlucky criminals because what they did was criminal especially after leaving them alone and being out of eye and earshot not once but at least twice.

Weren't the other couples alot closer to their own children as opposed to being a couple hundred metres away?

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They had every intention of leaving the children for their own selfish gratification. So what happened isnt bad luck..it was pure and simple self indulgence . They were even drinking before they left the apartment ffs. Bad luck my arse. More like selfishness on a grand scale. You learn by your mistakes. Seems all the McGanns have done is profit from theirs.

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I reckon had the prime minister at the time not got involved and supported them (for his own selfish reasons) they would of been under a lot more scrutiny than they have seen so far, I can't mind another time in history where a prime minister made comment on a case like this , its not their remit to get involved in such matters, but GB did have his say at the time and I reckon it affected the Portuguese investigation and changed the outcome somewhat, imho they done it end of story, why, how etc will likely never be known , that copper that investigated it even wrote a book about it ffs, he knows they done it , but loking like they gunna get clean away with it, and yeah I agree if it were a couple form a council estate they would of faced a different reception althogether and we all know it, maybe am wrong in my assumption of their guilt, however they fast running out of any other half likely options , I expect that they may eventually face some serious questioning , who knows one of em might just crack, methinks it be Gerry first ;)

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No matter what has happened they should be done with neglect. I said it the second I heard about the awful case. All this if they don't take the blame of knowing they were wrong they can't get prosecuted is a joke. If they don't know leaving young kids alone is dangerous they should have the others taking off them. Where is the line in this stupid law. Little boy falls on sharp knife the mother gave him to play with, her defense, I didn't think it was dangerous. No worries, you know not to do it again. Laws are set, it's up to us to know them, ignorance is no defense and child neglect is pretty high up on the things not to do list.

If we started prosecuting every ignorant parent who neglects their child in some way it would probably reduce the free population of the country by 30 %..........old and young rich and poor theres not that many perfect parents out there just the majority dont come quite as unstuck as the Mcanns did.......right is right and wrong is wrong a tragic outcome dont make it more wrong.

years ago one of my lads burnt his hand on a radiator, we had the third degree down the hospital. made to feel very bad about an accident. however the burn was not premeditated it was an accident, knowingly leaving your kids alone for a second night, in an unlocked hotel room in a strange country even after you found one crying their eyes out the night before after waking up and nobody was there can in no way be described as either an accident or a miss judgement, its willful abandonment.

Yep i buy all that.......all im saying is just because this situation ended in a tragic outcome dont mean that similar is not happening all over this and every other country as we speak.......if theres not a terrible outcome we dont hear about it though hence right is right and wrong is wrong.......


The fact there was other parents sat with them all showing the same neglect in the same hotel in the same country in the same week........suggest this sort of thing probably go,s on a lot more than people like to believe......so does that make the Mcanns unlucky ? Most would say no they should rot in hell etc etc etc....but the reality is there was probably 50,000 people round the world neglecting a child in one form or another that night.

responsibility and parenting go together it is that simple, anyone who does not understand this can not possibly call themselves a good parents, if you do something that is not responsible and arguably criminal, whatever the circumstances, wherever in the world that may be then you can not expect to get special treatment because of your mistake as hard as that sounds

Yes im not disputing they was wrong we know that................my question is was they unlucky ?............If 50 bad people do wrong but only 1 has a bad outcome are there 49 lucky people or 1 unlucky ?...........and should people be punished for bad luck ?

But that's the way the law works. I'll put this to you gnasher, thousands of people text while driving, thousands get caught and get fined and 3 penalty points. If one of them texting happens to run over a child while texting they get done for manslaughter. Are you saying they shouldn't be cos they were just unlucky? The outcome of any crime (child neglects a crime) determins the penalty opposed, of course it does.

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unlucky is missing out on a tenner on the lottery

unlucky is hitting the post instead of the back of the net

unlucky is a rabbit making good on the dog

unlucky is having a nest of clear eggs out of your best birds


unlucky is not leaving your children while sampling the local vino while your 3 babies

are in an apartment on their own they were lucky in the fact that only one was taken, or was she we'll probably never know


its a simple case of neglect/abuse call it what you will

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with bells on,and you would get sick looking t them as they did the talk show tour antd becoming the latest celebrities. if she did get found think they would give the maddie fund to charity?well if there is nything left.5star hotels are pretty expensive,

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