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the thing is , before the went on holiday with the children they must have known they would be leaving the children unattended to go out of an evening or whatever for the life of me I cant understand why, they didn't arrange child care surly it wasn't a money issue for a childminder for a couple of hours . 3 babys left alone ,you just coulnt take that risk , maybe abduction would not cross there minds but , hell any number of other dangers would with young children alone ,, beyond me !. you just wouldn't dare to take that risk !! .

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A matter of choice?......we are talking about kids not a pair of f***ing shoes! Every parent in the world sometimes wishes they could just go off and do whatever they feel like without having to thin

Fair enough reply but I'm sorry matey, a mistake is when you put petrol instead of diesel in your motor, it's cutting your finger with a bread knife or forgetting to put the kids dinner money in their

I don't know how far legally no and I don't care, look at the hunting laws and its plain to see the lawmakers ain't got our best interest and common sense in mind when passing there shitty laws. I hav

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Lab, one day when you're blessed with a little boy or girl I think your views will change mate.. :yes: One episode where your young one almost chokes on a chip while eating or something he/she has picked up from about the place and you're going to ask yourself, 'what would have happened if me or my misses wasn't there to act..?' Then you might realise why some of us are reacting the way we are about very young kids and babies being left to their own devices.. It ain't so much the way she was pinched, it's just I know what kids are like at a certain age. If the kid had choked to death or died from drinking cleaning fluid left in the apartment somewhere, would you have as much sympathy for them?

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Good post malt,,, there's just so many risks,,, hell even falling out of bed,, Manys the time me and the mrs have herd a bump,, go running in the bedroom and one of the kids is on the floor,,, mind you there always ok, and usually still asleep,,lol but you just can't leave them.

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Lab, one day when you're blessed with a little boy or girl I think your views will change mate.. :yes: One episode where your young one almost chokes on a chip while eating or something he/she has picked up from about the place and you're going to ask yourself, 'what would have happened if me or my misses wasn't there to act..?' Then you might realise why some of us are reacting the way we are about very young kids and babies being left to their own devices.. It ain't so much the way she was pinched, it's just I know what kids are like at a certain age. If the kid had choked to death or died from drinking cleaning fluid left in the apartment somewhere, would you have as much sympathy for them?


Can't find the like button on Mods posts so put me down as liking a few of yours

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Lab, one day when you're blessed with a little boy or girl I think your views will change mate.. :yes: One episode where your young one almost chokes on a chip while eating or something he/she has picked up from about the place and you're going to ask yourself, 'what would have happened if me or my misses wasn't there to act..?' Then you might realise why some of us are reacting the way we are about very young kids and babies being left to their own devices.. It ain't so much the way she was pinched, it's just I know what kids are like at a certain age. If the kid had choked to death or died from drinking cleaning fluid left in the apartment somewhere, would you have as much sympathy for them?

I can't say it anymore times mate... I wouldn't leave a child alone in an apartment. Now whether that is a result of what I know of the Madeline McCann saga or how I've been brought up ill never know.

I just think its a bit harsh when you read stuff like they should hang for it and so forth. They made a conscious choice to leave them in the room and check every 30 mins. Who am I too say that is wrong. There kids, there choice. They now have to live with that decision.

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Holy shit it's been a busy day!!


In bad taste as it is to compare these sort of things......when people call out for the Mcanns blood i cant help wondering whats worse........allowing a 5 year old girl with cerebral palsey to wander round the streets in broad daylight......or leaving a 3 year old alone in her bedroom at night ?


April Jones parent/s had the nations heartfelt sympathies ( and rightly so ) after she was abducted and killed.......nobody was calling for the parents blood then...why not ?


The only reason i can see that people are so fired up over the Mcanns but wasnt fired up over April Jones.......is success/wealth.


Devil's Advocate here, Lab, but my tuppence is because they actually caught her [April Jones] killer. In Maddy's case there is no face to splash around the media. People need to visualize what they perceive as the bad guys. As there is no kidnapper to point the finger at, the next in line is the parents. I'm not one for the conspiracy theory. I like evidence. The only evidence, here, is the child neglect. They left three kids, aged three and under, alone while they went out... That's the bit I personally can't let go. How someone so educated could do something so f*****g stupid.


I'd have a good bet plenty of folks on here got left on their own on holiday while the parents slipped off down the Butlins bar or the camp site saturday night sing song,but are to worried about what others would say :hmm: .In fact how many of you were left out sleeping in your prams on the front lawn or let to play out alone when you were little ?,as for this thread,to many rightous comments coming from children with crap parents i'd say :yes: .


Define little? I grew up in a shithole [Manchester] and at the age of 3 I can guarantee you that I wasn't left anywhere. When we were able to afford family holidays they were exactly that. Not a time to leave us in the apartment, while they went off socialising. I know there are many stories, as there are posters, but in 2007 who the f**k would do that?


Would you have left your kids alone to walk the dogs across the fields if they were the same age as the Mcann kids were though? The little girl was 3.. Don't know how old the twins were, can't seem to find that on the net, anybody know?




Haven't managed to find out exactly how old they were but they were even younger than she was..


Exactly! The only thing I've seen is that they're now eight years old. Which would make them two at the time of the disappearance.


What about the law in Portugal, is that the same?


Not trying to poke the bear, believe it or not, but who the f**k cares whether it's legal in Portugal? We're not talking 9, 10, and 11 year old kids here, we're talking toddlers sleeping in cots!


Just doing a bit or reading.. Apparently they can only be charged with abandonment in Portugal if they admit it was wilful, ie they knew they were going to put their kids in danger. Would that explain why they have never appeared to be sorry or said they feel guilty about leaving her alone? :hmm: Maybe they've been advised to NEVER publicly say they feel guilty or express regret for leaving them because it would imply they knew they'd f****d up and then it could lead to them being jailed? I still maintain they would still be in possession of all three kids if they hadn't of left them..


Any decent brief will coach them to keep schtum while there is no villain in the picture. I don't blame them for that at all. Despite the neglect, from the parents, there is nothing tangible that can link them to foul play. Emotional outpourings could ruin any chance they have, if they didn't do it. You have the right to remain silent but it's up to you whether you use it.


Feck me there are some vivid imagnations on this thread. It could well be that they are guilty of killing their child, (highly unlikely but possible) but, it is equally possible that they are totally innocent. All these fanciful scenarios as to what they think has happened. They would do well writing fiction.


I hear ya, TC. Loud and clear. For me the conspiracy doesn't hold much weight, at this point. The neglect, however is burning a hole in the internet! It's the thing I just cannot let go.



Lab, one day when you're blessed with a little boy or girl I think your views will change mate.. :yes: One episode where your young one almost chokes on a chip while eating or something he/she has picked up from about the place and you're going to ask yourself, 'what would have happened if me or my misses wasn't there to act..?' Then you might realise why some of us are reacting the way we are about very young kids and babies being left to their own devices.. It ain't so much the way she was pinched, it's just I know what kids are like at a certain age. If the kid had choked to death or died from drinking cleaning fluid left in the apartment somewhere, would you have as much sympathy for them?

Can't find the like button on Mods posts so put me down as liking a few of yours


Same here. Forum also told me I have used too many likes in a 24 hour period! :icon_eek:

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Everyone keeps saying about letting kids out to play but do you allow a 3 year old out to play? I should hope not. I have a 2 year old and yhe furthest I go is to the doorstep for a fag. Gnasher you keep dodging the question, would you leave a 3 year old and hrr younget siblings to go out for a meal?

I dont remember being asked a question.............no i wouldnt....and if i did then thats my mistake......but is it a mistake i deserve the electric chair for like some would wish on the Mccanns ?...............what if i made that mistake and by chance my kid didnt happen to be abducted and killed ?......well i still made the mistake.....a mistake i think a lot of people commenting on this thread are too scared to admit they might make from time to time ( or similar mistakes )....We can all look great parents when things didnt happen to go wrong !


Personally im a little more realistic about my own limitations i dont think everyone who has kids are cut out to be parents,probably myself included......i think theres a big difference between parental instinct and protective instinct..................i was fiercely protective of my kids but had very little parental instinct......in other words id lay my life down for them in any situation but in day to day life i often wouldnt do " the right thing " that a parent should do..................how do we know we are going to be good parents until we have kids we dont and its absolute lunacy to think everyone is a great parent.......but being a poor parent like i probably was doesnt mean you dont care and wouldnt die for your kids......it sometimes just means you dont have that inbuilt parental instinct which is possibly the situation with the Mccanns...........they are the tiny % of unfortunate people who got exposed as such.....but theres a huge % of similar people who dont.

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Everyone keeps saying about letting kids out to play but do you allow a 3 year old out to play? I should hope not. I have a 2 year old and yhe furthest I go is to the doorstep for a fag. Gnasher you keep dodging the question, would you leave a 3 year old and hrr younget siblings to go out for a meal?

I dont remember being asked a question.............no i wouldnt....and if i did then thats my mistake......but is it a mistake i deserve the electric chair for like some would wish on the Mccanns ?...............what if i made that mistake and by chance my kid didnt happen to be abducted and killed ?......well i still made the mistake.....a mistake i think a lot of people commenting on this thread are too scared to admit they might make from time to time ( or similar mistakes )....We can all look great parents when things didnt happen to go wrong !


Personally im a little more realistic about my own limitations i dont think everyone who has kids are cut out to be parents,probably myself included......i think theres a big difference between parental instinct and protective instinct..................i was fiercely protective of my kids but had very little parental instinct......in other words id lay my life down for them in any situation but in day to day life i often wouldnt do " the right thing " that a parent should do..................how do we know we are going to be good parents until we have kids we dont and its absolute lunacy to think everyone is a great parent.......but being a poor parent like i probably was doesnt mean you dont care and wouldnt die for your kids......it sometimes just means you dont have that inbuilt parental instinct which is possibly the situation with the Mccanns...........they are the tiny % of unfortunate people who got exposed as such.....but theres a huge % of similar people who dont.


the mcaans did not make a mistake ,, they made a conscious desission to leave there babys alone they took a" RISK " with the lives of there children by leaving them alone ;)

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Everyone keeps saying about letting kids out to play but do you allow a 3 year old out to play? I should hope not. I have a 2 year old and yhe furthest I go is to the doorstep for a fag. Gnasher you keep dodging the question, would you leave a 3 year old and hrr younget siblings to go out for a meal?

I dont remember being asked a question.............no i wouldnt....and if i did then thats my mistake......but is it a mistake i deserve the electric chair for like some would wish on the Mccanns ?...............what if i made that mistake and by chance my kid didnt happen to be abducted and killed ?......well i still made the mistake.....a mistake i think a lot of people commenting on this thread are too scared to admit they might make from time to time ( or similar mistakes )....We can all look great parents when things didnt happen to go wrong !


Personally im a little more realistic about my own limitations i dont think everyone who has kids are cut out to be parents,probably myself included......i think theres a big difference between parental instinct and protective instinct..................i was fiercely protective of my kids but had very little parental instinct......in other words id lay my life down for them in any situation but in day to day life i often wouldnt do " the right thing " that a parent should do..................how do we know we are going to be good parents until we have kids we dont and its absolute lunacy to think everyone is a great parent.......but being a poor parent like i probably was doesnt mean you dont care and wouldnt die for your kids......it sometimes just means you dont have that inbuilt parental instinct which is possibly the situation with the Mccanns...........they are the tiny % of unfortunate people who got exposed as such.....but theres a huge % of similar people who dont.


that would hold water if it was one parent . but for two parents to fcuk up so badly and so often. ,,,,,,,,,,nah. they put there own interests before there childrens wellbeing. disgracefull.. :censored::censored: . . like has been said so often by so many. indefencable.

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Holy shit it's been a busy day!!


In bad taste as it is to compare these sort of things......when people call out for the Mcanns blood i cant help wondering whats worse........allowing a 5 year old girl with cerebral palsey to wander round the streets in broad daylight......or leaving a 3 year old alone in her bedroom at night ?


April Jones parent/s had the nations heartfelt sympathies ( and rightly so ) after she was abducted and killed.......nobody was calling for the parents blood then...why not ?


The only reason i can see that people are so fired up over the Mcanns but wasnt fired up over April Jones.......is success/wealth.


Devil's Advocate here, Lab, but my tuppence is because they actually caught her [April Jones] killer. In Maddy's case there is no face to splash around the media. People need to visualize what they perceive as the bad guys. As there is no kidnapper to point the finger at, the next in line is the parents. I'm not one for the conspiracy theory. I like evidence. The only evidence, here, is the child neglect. They left three kids, aged three and under, alone while they went out... That's the bit I personally can't let go. How someone so educated could do something so f*****g stupid.


I'd have a good bet plenty of folks on here got left on their own on holiday while the parents slipped off down the Butlins bar or the camp site saturday night sing song,but are to worried about what others would say :hmm: .In fact how many of you were left out sleeping in your prams on the front lawn or let to play out alone when you were little ?,as for this thread,to many rightous comments coming from children with crap parents i'd say :yes: .


Define little? I grew up in a shithole [Manchester] and at the age of 3 I can guarantee you that I wasn't left anywhere. When we were able to afford family holidays they were exactly that. Not a time to leave us in the apartment, while they went off socialising. I know there are many stories, as there are posters, but in 2007 who the f**k would do that?


Would you have left your kids alone to walk the dogs across the fields if they were the same age as the Mcann kids were though? The little girl was 3.. Don't know how old the twins were, can't seem to find that on the net, anybody know?




Haven't managed to find out exactly how old they were but they were even younger than she was..


Exactly! The only thing I've seen is that they're now eight years old. Which would make them two at the time of the disappearance.


What about the law in Portugal, is that the same?


Not trying to poke the bear, believe it or not, but who the f**k cares whether it's legal in Portugal? We're not talking 9, 10, and 11 year old kids here, we're talking toddlers sleeping in cots!


Just doing a bit or reading.. Apparently they can only be charged with abandonment in Portugal if they admit it was wilful, ie they knew they were going to put their kids in danger. Would that explain why they have never appeared to be sorry or said they feel guilty about leaving her alone? :hmm: Maybe they've been advised to NEVER publicly say they feel guilty or express regret for leaving them because it would imply they knew they'd f****d up and then it could lead to them being jailed? I still maintain they would still be in possession of all three kids if they hadn't of left them..


Any decent brief will coach them to keep schtum while there is no villain in the picture. I don't blame them for that at all. Despite the neglect, from the parents, there is nothing tangible that can link them to foul play. Emotional outpourings could ruin any chance they have, if they didn't do it. You have the right to remain silent but it's up to you whether you use it.


Feck me there are some vivid imagnations on this thread. It could well be that they are guilty of killing their child, (highly unlikely but possible) but, it is equally possible that they are totally innocent. All these fanciful scenarios as to what they think has happened. They would do well writing fiction.


I hear ya, TC. Loud and clear. For me the conspiracy doesn't hold much weight, at this point. The neglect, however is burning a hole in the internet! It's the thing I just cannot let go.



Lab, one day when you're blessed with a little boy or girl I think your views will change mate.. :yes: One episode where your young one almost chokes on a chip while eating or something he/she has picked up from about the place and you're going to ask yourself, 'what would have happened if me or my misses wasn't there to act..?' Then you might realise why some of us are reacting the way we are about very young kids and babies being left to their own devices.. It ain't so much the way she was pinched, it's just I know what kids are like at a certain age. If the kid had choked to death or died from drinking cleaning fluid left in the apartment somewhere, would you have as much sympathy for them?

Can't find the like button on Mods posts so put me down as liking a few of yours


Same here. Forum also told me I have used too many likes in a 24 hour period! :icon_eek:

I'll answer for me but at 3 years old i was playing outside with every other 3,4 5 year old on the estate i lived on at the timeand i was also left asleep in the pram on the front lawn many a time :yes: ,but things were different then and like you say who'd do it now but i was also like lab pointing out some many folks out for their blood when their own families may have done the same thing as the mecanns have.Nice one for finding what i posted as i couldn't and thought i'd been edited byt the powers that be :thumbs:

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I'll answer for me but at 3 years old i was playing outside with every other 3,4 5 year old on the estate i lived on at the timeand i was also left asleep in the pram on the front lawn many a time :yes: ,but things were different then and like you say who'd do it now but i was also like lab pointing out some many folks out for their blood when their own families may have done the same thing as the mecanns have.Nice one for finding what i posted as i couldn't and thought i'd been edited byt the powers that be :thumbs:


Fair one, fireman. There's many that did, and many that still do. Kids do get snatched but abuse is most common from someone within the family. The thing with the McCann case is that they took all the steps to ensure that whoever wanted that kiddy could do it undisturbed. That's what bothers me. It's a horrible, horrible, situation but completely and utterly preventable, in this case. That's why it just doesn't make sense.

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they put there own interests before there childrens wellbeing. disgracefull.. :censored::censored: . . like has been said so often by so many. indefencable.



That is EXACTLY the point ive just made.............. lack of parental instinct causes you to make poor decisions,decisions that cant be defended.......thats not excuses,its not sticking up for them................its just being real......................it also doesnt mean you wouldnt lay your life down for them if the need arose..................hence the difference between parental instinct and protective instinct....i believe its quite possible to have one without the other..............is it an electric chair offence if it happens to go tits up......not in my book thats all im saying.

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there guilty of something,thats a definite leaving there kids alone whilst they go off eating/drinking in itself is enough to charge them with neglecting there children.they know more much more than they have ever let on and anyone making out they have done nothing wrong needs there fkin head examining.

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