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More than 80% of that makes no sense why the should go to jail.

:blink: what about the other 20%. ffs. leaving three kids under four home alone resulting in the dissapearance or worse of one child. even though a childcare facility was provided :hmm: . are you for real.Lab. why are folk trying to defend the indefencable.??

Because I believe that they thought that there children would be perfectly safe. As did there friends around the dinner table.

It's a matter of choice and it's turned out the wrong choice for them, I'm sure if they could do it again they would do it different.

I'm not defending there choice I'm just pointing out that I think they've had enough mud thrown at them. Seems to me it's went from child neglect to murderers as the Chinese whispers went on.

A matter of choice?......we are talking about kids not a pair of f*****g shoes!

Every parent in the world sometimes wishes they could just go off and do whatever they feel like without having to think about anything else but you can't because that little person relies on you for safety and security......there is no other choice !


spot on wilf they made the choice ........... they took the gamble with 3 babys safety ..guilty as sin of neglect..

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A matter of choice?......we are talking about kids not a pair of f***ing shoes! Every parent in the world sometimes wishes they could just go off and do whatever they feel like without having to thin

Fair enough reply but I'm sorry matey, a mistake is when you put petrol instead of diesel in your motor, it's cutting your finger with a bread knife or forgetting to put the kids dinner money in their

I don't know how far legally no and I don't care, look at the hunting laws and its plain to see the lawmakers ain't got our best interest and common sense in mind when passing there shitty laws. I hav

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8.16 :icon_eek:




Just, Absolutely f**king breath taking!!!!! :icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek:


I would torture them for the truth just off the dogs evidence , said it before they are both as guilty as sin and Scotland yards knows it ,..............probably a fooking masonic hand shake here

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Heres another one for you. Do you think they both know if the other was responsible? I mean I'd expect them to be at each others throats and have a public break up due to blaming each other sort of thing. Also I know you get some weird people who put their love first but surely most put their kids first and wouldn't cover for their partner? If it ever came out they done it they will be given new ids anyway ain't no way they'd be allowed back out into society they will be hated.

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both McCanns are doctors and should AND DO know better than to leave a small child ,let alone three small children alone

my theories are that the little girl was playing up on that particular night and one of the parents gave her a slap or sedative so they could piss-off with their mates boozing and living the high life

Maddy either succumbed to the sedative or slap and both being doctors , and guilty played for time and an alibi , both being doctors will have given them enough experience of death and how to handle the situation

both parents seem to be "cold" to what has happened , the sniffer dog made too many positive marks to be wrong and as the sun newspaper pointed out "the dog does not bark at other dogs or people" and the way the interview went with the dog handler suggests that that particular dog has a lot of experience in locating cold bodies

scotlandyards approach to getting crimewatch involves tells me that they are no closer to finding or looking for another suspect , the two main suspects still are enjoying their liberty for now

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Feck me there are some vivid imagnations on this thread. It could well be that they are guilty of killing their child, (highly unlikely but possible) but, it is equally possible that they are totally innocent. All these fanciful scenarios as to what they think has happened. They would do well writing fiction.



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I think it's more likely that it was them than unlikely? Normally always is a family member then a friend of the family. To many things point the finger IMO. Again it's only my opinion though and not a court of law. Oj Simpson is an innocent man aswell right? Lol

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Magine havin an audience with the pope eh...The Pm..Other top ranking officials. You honestly think they're gunna admit guilt now after all that. Circumstantial evidence is overwhelming in this case but without a body then they cant be charged. Everyone is entitled a view and my view is this. Leaving a 3 year old in charge of 2 year old twins repeatedley is disgusting and for that alone they should be charged. As for the "because they've got money" subject they are being victimised. Well imagine if they were factory workers instead. They'd have been played as scum of the earth and not recieved a thousandth of the help the McGanns have recieved and that is a given. And yes.the photofit is a ringer for good old Gerry.

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Not sure that's true anymore stabba about needing a body,,, they haven't found April johnes yet,, but I agree with what you say,,,


What's just as crazy,,, is the fact two other couples with them did the same,,, it just amazes me, how they all left there kids..

But just think about being one of those other couples,,, you would be so relived it wasn't your child

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More than 80% of that makes no sense why the should go to jail.

:blink: what about the other 20%. ffs. leaving three kids under four home alone resulting in the dissapearance or worse of one child. even though a childcare facility was provided :hmm: . are you for real.Lab. why are folk trying to defend the indefencable.??
Because I believe that they thought that there children would be perfectly safe. As did there friends around the dinner table.

It's a matter of choice and it's turned out the wrong choice for them, I'm sure if they could do it again they would do it different.

I'm not defending there choice I'm just pointing out that I think they've had enough mud thrown at them. Seems to me it's went from child neglect to murderers as the Chinese whispers went on.

A matter of choice?......we are talking about kids not a pair of f*****g shoes!

Every parent in the world sometimes wishes they could just go off and do whatever they feel like without having to think about anything else but you can't because that little person relies on you for safety and security......there is no other choice !

It is a matter of choice though. If you asked them before Madeline was taken if they felt that they thought there kids were safe they would say yes.

You know when people take there kids shooting at a young age or they let them see a dog catch a rabbit that there's thousands of people thinking your bad parenting.

Just because you disagree with there parenting doesn't make you right!

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More than 80% of that makes no sense why the should go to jail.

:blink: what about the other 20%. ffs. leaving three kids under four home alone resulting in the dissapearance or worse of one child. even though a childcare facility was provided :hmm: . are you for real.Lab. why are folk trying to defend the indefencable.??
Because I believe that they thought that there children would be perfectly safe. As did there friends around the dinner table.

It's a matter of choice and it's turned out the wrong choice for them, I'm sure if they could do it again they would do it different.

I'm not defending there choice I'm just pointing out that I think they've had enough mud thrown at them. Seems to me it's went from child neglect to murderers as the Chinese whispers went on.

A matter of choice?......we are talking about kids not a pair of f*****g shoes!

Every parent in the world sometimes wishes they could just go off and do whatever they feel like without having to think about anything else but you can't because that little person relies on you for safety and security......there is no other choice !

It is a matter of choice though. If you asked them before Madeline was taken if they felt that they thought there kids were safe they would say yes.

You know when people take there kids shooting at a young age or they let them see a dog catch a rabbit that there's thousands of people thinking your bad parenting.

Just because you disagree with there parenting doesn't make you right!

I see where you're coming from but taking a child out hunting isn't increasing the chances of them being abducted. They are still in your company so bad parenting opinions would be from idiots.

Doing what the McCanns did IS bad parenting no matter what the opinion.

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More than 80% of that makes no sense why the should go to jail.

:blink: what about the other 20%. ffs. leaving three kids under four home alone resulting in the dissapearance or worse of one child. even though a childcare facility was provided :hmm: . are you for real.Lab. why are folk trying to defend the indefencable.??
Because I believe that they thought that there children would be perfectly safe. As did there friends around the dinner table.

It's a matter of choice and it's turned out the wrong choice for them, I'm sure if they could do it again they would do it different.

I'm not defending there choice I'm just pointing out that I think they've had enough mud thrown at them. Seems to me it's went from child neglect to murderers as the Chinese whispers went on.

A matter of choice?......we are talking about kids not a pair of f*****g shoes!

Every parent in the world sometimes wishes they could just go off and do whatever they feel like without having to think about anything else but you can't because that little person relies on you for safety and security......there is no other choice !

It is a matter of choice though. If you asked them before Madeline was taken if they felt that they thought there kids were safe they would say yes.

You know when people take there kids shooting at a young age or they let them see a dog catch a rabbit that there's thousands of people thinking your bad parenting.

Just because you disagree with there parenting doesn't make you right!

I see where you're coming from but taking a child out hunting isn't increasing the chances of them being abducted. They are still in your company so bad parenting opinions would be from idiots.

Doing what the McCanns did IS bad parenting no matter what the opinion.

I certainly agree in this day and age it's definitely looked upon as bad parenting. Years ago not so much as has been stated a few times. I do wonder how much folks views have been changed since the day Madeline was taken.

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Mark Bridger burnt April Jones on his log burner, then flushed her ashes into the river next to his house, the police helicopter saw him wading round in the river, he said he was looking for April. But the McCanns are lucky in that all the DNA in the apartment belongs to the murderers, who are in denial :thumbs:

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