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The 80's

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Mate...Time for Action was Secret Affair....and it's a beauty :yes: Their first album was an absolute classic and I still love it. Saw The Lambrettas in Chatham in 1994....they weren't up to much :laugh: Saw Stiff Little Fingers in Brixton in 91 I think.....with Bruce Foxton on bass and they were amazing :thumbs:


I've still got the first Benny I ever bought and it still fits me :laugh: I bought it in 1987 and it was when they were as rare as rocking horse shit. You had to go The Cavern in Ganton Street in Soho (just off Carnaby Street) back then to get them but you can buy them anywhere these days. The Cavern was where Merc was...but that's moved onto Carnaby Street proper these days. They made these awful cheap suits that we used to buy too....we thought we looked like the dogs bollocks though :laugh: bit of tonic or a bit of hounds tooth and we thought we were god :laugh: None of us could afford a crombie until we were older but we always wanted one. I remember when I got my first sheepskin.....it was like winning the lottery. I bought it off a mates dad who bought it to go to football in the late 60's and never wore it. Cost me a fiver and it kept me warm on my Lambretta. Got in a scrap with some crusty fuckers one night and they opened up my forehead and covered it in claret......it was ruined :doh:


Special days and special times of our lives mate of the likes we'll probably never see again!! I cherish these Memories and must admit feel a bit sad how it all blew past so quick like a gust of wind and before I knew it I'm 42 :blink:, I know its been said many times by many people over the years but without doubt "Those were the days mate".


Bands were Bands back then, they played their Instruments and made good sounds that was the hall mark of our era!! I loved the Punk Bands too and loved the last Pistols comeback a few years ago, you listen to alot of the shite these days and think "what the fucks that :no:", Not many bands rock my boat these days unless they get up there and play.


You was more on the button than me mate with the smart togs :thumbs:! Boy I was a scruffy git compared to some Stabs, My old PX Vespa had seen better days too. a pal used to have a Sheepskin and I loved it and wanted it but no way was he parting with it, it looked the bollox with faded or bleached jeans!! one of my old favourites jackets was a a Black leather one button job with jetted pockets, it had real thin lapels and boy did I think I was sex in that one :icon_redface:...





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white fred perrys ox blood docs vespa p200e kamikaze sc shildon co durham stiff little fingers,the pogues,yts schemes the meteors and king kurt ,flight jackets,paddy smith patches ,white man in hammersmith palais by the clash,ben e wriddle by bad manners,weihrauch hw77k snake bites and the top hat at spenny ,getting kicked uncontious in durham,girls,getting arrested,and having no worries ,where did it all go??

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Ah, the 80's :notworthy: I remember being into bmx and wanting a mongoose and getting an Ironhorse(the boys at school had a field day) :doh: Watching Saturday lunchtime wrestling at my grandparents, the A-team, streethawk, knightrider and Miami vice, buying wham bars and highland toffe from the school tuck shop. Also trying to buy Dr Martins with the most lace holes.


Reload, I remember calling other kids Joey Deacon and pulling the "face", mong, spaz, spacca were all popular non pc names for the playground 8)

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white fred perrys ox blood docs vespa p200e kamikaze sc shildon co durham stiff little fingers,the pogues,yts schemes the meteors and king kurt ,flight jackets,paddy smith patches ,white man in hammersmith palais by the clash,ben e wriddle by bad manners,weihrauch hw77k snake bites and the top hat at spenny ,getting kicked uncontious in durham,girls,getting arrested,and having no worries ,where did it all go??


Oh mate I loved my old PX150 Vespa :thumbs:, It was a pile of shit to some of the lads I went round with due to the amount of times I come off it but it was still a Fanny Magnet :whistling:.


I have a lovely weihrauch hw77k sit round here now belongs to Millet, its built like a shit brick house and puts many a gun to shame thats built these days.....

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white fred perrys ox blood docs vespa p200e kamikaze sc shildon co durham stiff little fingers,the pogues,yts schemes the meteors and king kurt ,flight jackets,paddy smith patches ,white man in hammersmith palais by the clash,ben e wriddle by bad manners,weihrauch hw77k snake bites and the top hat at spenny ,getting kicked uncontious in durham,girls,getting arrested,and having no worries ,where did it all go??



You from Shildon then Nemo?

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Guest artic monkey

All the SKA music, vespa and lambretta rides (still own them)!

Jack ups! :laugh:

Smoking dried banana skins...how sad!!!

Driving a Morris Ital and a Maxi! Yeh how cool was that.. :no:

Having a step put into your hair!!!

AGADO DO DO DO and all that!

Smoking John Players!!

The best for me though has to be collecting all the monkey cards out of the PG TIPS tea boxes!!!


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Reload.....I'll give you ten bob for the poster :whistling:


I left mine on my wall when we moved in 1982 and I've been after one since..... :D


Ere you are Stabs




Remember all them flexi accitate records you got on the front of magazines in the 80's god they were shite

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:victory: Goombe Bay Dance Band :notworthy:


:no: Having a Fringe :bye:


f**k!! my Missus has that in her record collection as well as the group she sang with!! "The Weather Girls" :whistling:


They used to play that Goombe Bay Dance Band track at the local Disco's, wer'nt it called "seven tears" or something like that? I heard Nelson you was always requesting it so you could strutt your stuff :whistling:....

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Strut my stuff, there must be some mistake matey :feck:


Get to the bar and stay there until 'High ho Silver Lining' comes on and then look for the girl who's roaring, always fecking one, and befriend it so your love muscle has something to rub against while having the last slow dance :thumbs:

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