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Unusual Coloured Rabbits

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seems to be getting more common i know where there is a black 1 he there evertime i put the lamp on caught 1 in the field over the road a few years back it was jet black with red eyes he ran like fook and tried everthing to shake off the dog hid 3 times behind some nettles in the middle of the field and i shot a yellow 1 like the first pic down in rhyl about 15 years back

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I have seen a good few variations over the years but I am positive that the numbers are on the increase, that or I am taking more notice. An old lad at the farm I worked at in England told me that pre mixi they used to keep 'em when they were ferreting and try and breed them on.I Suppose like all domesticated pets they start out as summat a bit different in the wild.

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forgot to mention on earlier post.......last year ferreting I also had about 5 or 6 bluey coloured rabbits, but their fur seemed a different texture to normal wild rabbits, it was more whispey and longer looking, so either a throw back.....or someone had dropped some kind of pet rabbits in the area recently to that time, and obviously mated.....


jay. :thumbs:

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