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Few Hours On The Golf Course This Morning.

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My mate and I managed to get out again this morning to the golf course. Arrived about 6:15am and were shooting by half past. After last times adventures we took some decent lamps with us this time and tried our luck with the bunnies just off the car park. I was sure I made a good hit on one decent sized one, as was my mate who was watching my torch beam, but could we find it? Could we buggery! The nettles were waist deep and it'd been about half an hour from shooting it to being able to and retrieve it (didn't want to blow our cover and scare all the other bunnies away!) I was sure I marked the spot correctly, it's not even that big a patch of nettles, but anyway it wasn't there to be found.


So then we went off for a mooch. I do need to remember to keep my shooters head on at ALL times as just a shortwalk from the clubhouse we startled a rabbit that was in the open that we hadn't even seen. Lesson learned.


Well once we reached the back 9 where the big warren is we settled in for a sit, nothing showed. More mooching and a bunny was enjoying some breakfast on the other side of the warren area. My mate gave it a side order of lead to go with it's grass salad, it dropped on the spot without even a twitch. Perfect, and it was in the bag clean as a whistle. Time was running out so we headed round the back half of the course where I spied a squirrel bounding across a fairway. Using a bunker as cover I quickly stalked round behind it as it headed towards a small coppice. My mate hung back to cover it in case it ran from the coppice, the plan worked and I shot it from about 15yards.


On the way back to the cars we saw about 5 or 6 more squirrels playing, feeding and evading us in another clutch of trees (now known as squirrel corner!) They were never more than 15feet away in the trees but we had a real problem tracking them and target acquisition was impossible at such close ranges with a scoped rifle. We also had to be careful as this was close to our boundary so shots had to be chosen very carefully and none ever really seemed to be safely on. I'll take my webley nemesis next time I go as at these ranges it'll be the perfect tool for quickly finding aim and sorting out this grey menace!


So just one rabbit and one squirrel, but s lovely morning out in the fresh air.




Just for Daz:



We couldn't get the rabbit to sit for the same pose!


In the pot ready for a curry:




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Thanks for the kind comments guys,


With regards the grey, I thinks just the way it's slouched and the camera angle to be honest. It wasn't very fat when laid out, neither was it milky when I skinned it.

I did shoot a really fat one about a month ago that I think was probably pregnant but I lost it to a fox before getting it home, which was perhaps for the best. Would hate to skin and gut something to find a load of young inside it.



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Haha! You're welcome Daz, good trend you started there ;)

SJ, unfortunately I didn't get to eat this one either as my mate had prepared the curry and I didn't manage to get round to his house as planned. He sais it was pretty tough but tasted halfway between duck and pork. He'd poached it for hours, I think I'll try pan frying the next one.


I'll be making sure it get some of the next one too!


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