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cutting claws

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can you tell me

whats the best way , and which cutters to use please .


also do all four feet need to be done or just the front set .


just done mine 3,s and what a job , got bit a few times and the poor things got really stressed.


is there an easy way .



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not sure if its available still but theres stuuf called ferrettone or something like that. a squirt on there belly and they'l just stay there licking it off while you cut there claws. i would just cut the nails that need to be done myself and keeping them all similar size.

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On the odd occassion that I've had to do mine I just use human clippers and turn them sideways so they don't twist the toes. If the ferret is being difficult and makes the use of both hands necessary I have been known to scruff the sods with my mouth out of sheer desperation.

Don't laugh, it works. :icon_redface:

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The back feet don't tend to get that bad mate and I use human nail clippers too held on the side. Hold the ferret tight in my left and snip with the right. They normally struggle for a couple of nails then relax, then wriggle like feck again when they know you've relaxed your grip and aren't expecting it :D

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Two methods of doin it the easy way...


First ... a two person method.. one scruffs ( ferret goes limp ) the other clips.. ( regular nail clippers work fine and you can see what you're doin ) dont bother with the back unless they look desperate.. and they wont often!


Second.. ferretone on the belly.. look up Companions Choice on the net they sell it decent priced. smells like chocolate.. put ferret on your lap.. dribble some on its belly.. Instantly distracted ferret wouldn't care if you were cutting off its tail they like the stuff so much lol.. same method.. nail clips and stay calm.. works a treat!


all the best!



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ferretone -- must get some .

have you ever seen it in the pet shops or pet superstores


thanks :thumbs:



at the moment i believe the american company that supply's it.. 8 in 1 is having export paperwork problems... i've not seen it or been able to order it from my local pet stores, but i live in a sleepy lil area of devon so i'm not sure about the big shops. I have gotten mine from Companion's Choice online and others have gotten it from ebay.

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