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Hunting In Scotland

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We will be penny we had a market for the rabbits at £3 each and I reckon we would have brought back over the 500 ... There is also the fact we had to comeback early loosing money on the cottage we were staying at ...........

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Catching rabbits for money and having to work every warren no matter how difficult under pressure is completely different to having a chilled out holiday when I can pick and chose what warren and when

Surely if you are a professional pest controller, you can claim loss of earnings: the rabbits: if they are incinerated.

Fukc me what is your problem ? You are one jealous guy jim ... You hate the fact that guys catch more rabbits than you so you have little digs on their posts a try and discredit them ... FFS I catch m

so police come a long... your on permission,,,the land owner wud of helped you out,,[surely] they don't charge you with any think, and they take all your rabbits, no law in the country can do this,,,, and iff you was poaching they can not burn evidence, [rabbits] I had 31 rabbits frozen by the police till it went court,,,,,,like I said some very strange this one,,,,,

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so police come a long... your on permission,,,the land owner wud of helped you out,,[surely] they don't charge you with any think, and they take all your rabbits, no law in the country can do this,,,, and iff you was poaching they can not burn evidence, [rabbits] I had 31 rabbits frozen by the police till it went court,,,,,,like I said some very strange this one,,,,,

Fukc me what is your problem ? You are one jealous guy jim ... You hate the fact that guys catch more rabbits than you so you have little digs on their posts a try and discredit them ... FFS I catch more in 2 months than you catch on your little trips to Yorkshire all year but unlike you I don't feel the need to brag about it to gain some sort of hero credence .......


Now I will say it again we were on permission the cops arrested us for allegedly coursing hares ... They were walked up rabbits they also arrested us for hunting rabbits without a license and hunting rabbits with dogs ... The police have made a massive balls up simple really nothing strange about it that's what happened .....


Here is an e mail I received from the farmer we were staying with ........


Hello Ken

I have made some enquires today and I don't think the police can charge you. I spoke to S.A.C.S, Tom Baker today and he said what you were doing was legal and he would like to hear from you. He would be able to give you names of a good lawyer.

Please keep in contact with me and let me know what happens.

The head office tel for sacs is :01698 885206

email : info@sacs.org.uk



We would also like to see you back next year and as a sign off good will we would like to offer the cottage next October at half price. As you were a nice bunch of lads out to cause no harm.

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why am I jealouse, 205 rabbits since Monday on'wards its nowt to jealouse about, and that's group of you at that, just rememeber I don't make videos for the fame, and the money side don't come into it,,,,, You have put a post up,,,asking if it s right or wrong,,,in a round abouts way, whats appended to you,,,,,,You sound very bitter not me,,,,its wrong what the police have done to you,,young up and comeing lads mite learn off this post,,,,Don't put a post up, iff you don't want folk to here what has apened to you,,,, Has for rabbits and catching them, COMMENT,, ABOVE, WHICH WAS NOT CALLED FOR ,,,, THIS HIS A OPEN SITE TO GOD KNOWS HOW MANY, BEING HAS YOU ARE CHUCKING YER WAIT ABOUT, IM NOT SHY' I WILL CHALLENGE YOU KEN, INFONT OF EVERY 1 ON HERE TO A NITES LAMPIN,,, AND A DAYS FERRETING,,,,ON YOUR GROUND,,,,,, OR ON MINE I DONT MIND WHICH HOW ABOUT,,,,,,, KEN,,, OR ARE YOU TO OVER WEIGHT , TO KEEP UP WITH ME,,,,, NOW THE ARMY HIS NOT TAKEING CARE OF YOU... :icon_eek: THE NEXT STAGE TO THIS POST ALL JIM HATERS COME OUT....OR SHUD I SAY THE JEALOUSE GREEN EYED HUNTING MONSTER,S,, :bad: STAGE 3 YOU GET SOME SAD FACKER TO BAN ME,,,,

Edited by tjones3862
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Yep arrested and charged on suspicion of hare coursing ( from the word of one old dear ) killing rabbits with a dog and killing rabbits without a license ...........

lmfao. they make it up as they go up here rats.. been there got the tee shirt. not funny really but you will laugh about it in years to come :yes: I do lol


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Lol overweight and unfit you are a funny f****r ... We only ferreted one day and two short lamping trips for them rabbits jim we have been fishing and duck and goose shooting also ... As for your challenge jim I don't go in for such silly things that's why I didn't enter any lamping or ferreting comps it's just not my scene ... I gave up competitive fishing for the same reason ... Tell you what jim you have better dogs than me and catch more game than me through the year now does that make you feel better ???


You started this AGAIN by doubting what I was saying as the truth ... I don't tell lies jim and anybody on here that knows me will tell you that ... Best thing is if you do like I do with your topics and stay off them ten the topic won't end up like this one .....


And by the way out of the Rabbits the pup caught 38 in one night and still had loads left in the tank when I stopped her so your the only one with a decent lamping dog ...........

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my post says the police have no rights doing what they,,, did,,,,i was backing your corner,,,the offer of a run out with you and the dogs his still on offer,,, hits not got to be comp,,,,just a bit of fun,,,iff you like ken,,,,, has for markdont turn it round to him,,,this his about you and me,,,,im glad your pup out of snipe his doing well for you I wud be gutterd iff it was not,,,, but lets just have a bit of fun here ,,,lets see what a mount of bunnys we get over the weekend, and I will not start till tomorrow nite,,,

Edited by tjones3862
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how did you do with the geese just seen thousands of them flying over would of spoiled a good weeks hunting and fishing police are well out of order :thumbs:

Yhea good mate plenty of greylag and duck ...........

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