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'backwards' Sneezing....

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Never heard of this....


Thought the lab x was choking.... time and time again... been going on for a few days....


But nothing obstructing....


Seems to be this 'backwards sneezing'....


Ver perculiar :laugh: ....


Anybody heard of it?...

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Yep all our dogs had it recently thought it was a strain of kennel cough as it went right through our dogs quickly,my mrs took one of hers to the vets for something else and they said its an inflammation in the nasal tubes.

Cleared up in a week.

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happens regular with my terrier, no real pattern to the cause to be fair, happens when she's excited right through to when she's near enough asleep, i just give her throat a firm rub if it persists past 4 or 5 when i'm there, that stops it.

Edited by jonah.
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a lot of dogs get it mate, more so in small dogs , toy breeds

it's caused by a few things but excitement can trigger it

just cover their nose so they cant breath through it and it normally stops

if its an infection in the nasal passage its something completely different

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