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Reloading Tips According To Dicehorn #11

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Neck cleaning


It is a given that we must always clean the neck of a case after firing.


Outside neck - if you tumble or u/s you can ignore this tip. The outside of the neck is the only part of a case I clean to obtain a shine. I simply use the Brasso cotton wool cleaner to remove any residue burnt carbon which I dont want near my dies. Cleaning this will also highlight a problem like a split neck and also ensure that a carbon free neck goes into your die, so it is a two fold exercise.





Inside neck. I just use a stiff bristled nylon brush. Yes I know some reloaders will use phosphor brushes and steel wool but I do not see the point especially as I read on a benchrest forum some time ago that the (respected) author come to the conclusion that after cleaning with a nylon brush the residue traces of carbon left in the neck actually filled any depressions in the neck surface and so made for a smoother seating and exit of the bullet. So I'm with him!!

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