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Was Out Checking Ferrets And Found Two Dead Jills That The Hob Had Killed Anybody Had This Before ?

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hi was out checking ferrets last night to find the hob trying to kill one of my jills . i managed to get it off of him and seperated them i then looked in there bedding area to find he had killed my other two jills . he ripped there throats out and left them . they always have plenty food and water and there hutch is 6 foot long so plenty room for them . he killed the two of them within an hour . i was wondering if anybody else has had this problem before or anything similar . and could shed some light on why he may of done this . thanks in advance . mike

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  On 09/10/2013 at 10:22, miketerrier said:

hi was out checking ferrets last night to find the hob trying to kill one of my jills . i managed to get it off of him and seperated them i then looked in there bedding area to find he had killed my other two jills . he ripped there throats out and left them . they always have plenty food and water and there hutch is 6 foot long so plenty room for them . he killed the two of them within an hour . i was wondering if anybody else has had this problem before or anything similar . and could shed some light on why he may of done this . thanks in advance . mike


Had ferrets about me since I was 8-years-old.....never heard of or seen this before.....seen hobs in full 'rapist' mode when jills are on.....and seen jills pretty beat up...but your jills won't be on at this time of year....but never seen a hob kill grown jills....... :hmm::hmm::hmm:

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Never seen a hob attack jills once the breeding seasons over either mate ,whats the history of the hob have you just got him ? has he just been returned to the jills hutch after the breeding season ?

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ive had them all for about two and a half years hes been in with them for about 6 weeks i didnt breed him this year as didnt want a load of joung i couldnt rehome and was happy with the amount i had for working . all jills got jill jab to bring them out of season this year . hes never been aggresive towards anything but rabbits . always good to handle . when i took jill that survived off him he was fine not in anyway aggresive towards me its like hes just snapped and killed the jills . proper gutted as he the two he killed were my best workers . atb mike

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The lad that bred the dog in my avatar, had an exceptional working hob it was 8yrs old when a keeper asked if he could bring a jill to be lined by the hob, sure enough the jill was brought to the hob and said "he'd be back in the morning to pick her up" the jill was dead the following morning and half eaten.

Y.I.S Leeview

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  On 09/10/2013 at 19:10, Leeview said:

The lad that bred the dog in my avatar, had an exceptional working hob it was 8yrs old when a keeper asked if he could bring a jill to be lined by the hob, sure enough the jill was brought to the hob and said "he'd be back in the morning to pick her up" the jill was dead the following morning and half eaten.

Y.I.S Leeview


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ive never heard it happen even when I had quite a few when I was younger I had 10 ferrets in a massive house like pen 7 jills and 3 hobs the hobs from different blood and never any bother at all except when they were in heat then the jills necks were messy but none ever dead

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Only time it happened to me was years ago i got a hob in kit to get snipped put it in with my jills next morning it was dead and the head eaten had 6 jills in the hutch never knew what one did it and it never happened again

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I have a Jill, that appears to hate other Jills, put her in with my young Jill who was born in May, and she instantly went into full attack mode.

I've had ferts for over 40 years and know how they can fight, but I had to pull her off the young jill, who was bleeding at the neck, i don't know what would have happened if i had left them to it.

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