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Tommy Leaves The E.d.l Over Extremist Fears...

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No no, it's you that I don't think quiet understands nationalism, I think personally that you are confusing it with fascism. IMHO Australia and the USA do it better than anyone else, your background

So are we talking eugenics or nationalism now?...........as for all this "greater" race business, well I don't know how you qualify that?   Ancient Iraq and Iran, India and china had culture, books

Mate, I am a white 40 something year old bloke born and raised in South London, I have had more fights with gangs of spades than enough who would pull a blade to Nic your bike or clothes when I was a

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And in one final attempt to get through to you chris.


Small government + time =big government.


And as my palm smashes continually against my face, over, and over, and over, again... It doesn't have to and it shouldn't have to. Small government is still the ideal for the free man. Big government only favours the tyrant and those in his service.


You wish to be ruled with an iron fist. I do not.

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I bet the old control room at work was a cheerful turnout:


" oi Nigel, when Herman Goering turns up for work whatever you do, don't mention the spades for f**k sake!"


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as wilf said i stood at those meetings and rallies aswell,and i consider myself then,and now to be pretty clued up on what i believed/believe in.and the ones i went to listen to,were all over the f*****g place with thier views. maybe some of the ignorant ones bought into it. i certainly didnt,




I did all that carry on as well.............while i dont consider myself particularly " clued up " on politics.......as regards foreigners/race etc i feel as true to my beliefs today as i did back then..............do you Scothunter or not ?.... ......I know some people lose much of that passion and nationalist ideals we have when we,re young.......so its not a trick question im just curious :D


While i wouldnt advocate running round the streets fighting with them and some of the stuff c18 and the likes got up to years ago their commitment couldnt be faulted when you compare it to this soppy EDL mob standing about singing songs swigging beer behind police barricades !!

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certainly i do mate,but i toned it down i lot. i have nothing to do with the tribes.or thier businesses.its not going to change f**k all gnash more to do with principles.stand by our convictions and all that.



oh and imo i dont think those views ever really leave you,you just mellow with old age lol

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Well, I'm a Celt.. My dark hair, dark skin and shortish height came from ancestors who came here from the Iberian peninsular and probably from north Africa before that.. Yes I've got some Scandinavian blood somewhere, two of my 4 kids have fair complexions and blue eyes. People like me where here long before your scandinavians were, so where does that lead your argument?

It says that you do have some Nordic heritage,which is in turn part of being British.

So a mixture of races/heritage, which you said was never a good thing a few pages back, yet you contradict yourself and say those very same mixtures are what makes us British?

Those people conquered this land by force they intermixed and we became a new nation.

Pakis,Africans,carribeans etc could never take this Island by force and if we intermix with these people it will be massively to our detriment as a race.

The celts didn't conquer anything by force, there was no one here to conquer.. They followed the ice sheets as they receded north during the interglacial period.. Lets be honest, those who came to conquer 1000 years ago were far less advanced than than the pakis/Africans/carribeans who come here today. Difference is we didn't have nuclear weapons and an army/navy/air force armed to the teeth. Very few nations on earth could invade and conquer us in the traditional sense, it just doesn't happen these days.. Your argument is starting to fall apart..
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Personally i think this lad Neems is getting a bit of an unfair going over here...............admittedly when Celts Vikings and Nordic Heritage got brought up i lost the will to live and just skimmed through bits so he might be talking complete bollocks :D .........but on much of what he says in direct relation to race/foreigners i find it hard to disagree............sadly these days people are too quick to jump up and down screaming racist go and wash your mouth out whenever a man has the conviction to speak from the heart............and thats a scarey thought in terms of how/if this problem ever gets resolved as speaking your personal opinion is being rebuked these days in favour of mass forced programmed thinking !

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Back on topic tommy Robinson has just admitted he's going to grass up all the so called racists in the edl. The quango quilliam foundation and the police will now have access to the details of around 35000 nationalists thanks to that traitor. Everyone's free to live how they want but personally I'd rather live around people who look and act like me I'd even go so far as to say I'd rather my children convert to Islam than marry out of their race.

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How are Africans advanced lol it's a scientific fact they have a low iq compared with other races. Whilst whites in Rome Greece and Germania where creating civilisations with all the advancements in technology that entailed and still does, blacks where living as hunter gatherers in huts made from sticks and animal feaces. They hadn't even invented the wheel. To just say the differences between races is only skin deep is denying evolution, didnt realise there where so many creationists knocking about.

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