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Chris Packham = Dick Head

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Even years ago when he done really wild road show, could tell he was a swanker..... I'd love to slap him about the chops with a gutted bunny.....

I don't think foxes pose any realistic threat to anyone either, I suppose that makes me a bellend too   I think the mentality shown by the comments above are very damaging to the view people have o

i tend to agree with the above. i have a love of wildlife. however i still understand that we have a part to play. i feed the odd fox. i like to see them about. but i also know that they are a pest in

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Seem to recall somewhere him saying we victimise rats and he has them living happily in his loft space the dirty twat. He also picked up on a letter in our local rag about birds of prey and saying there was no way the birds in question would be buzzards as they hadn't reached Lincolnshire. :censored::censored:

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I think that any predator will take any opportunity if they think they can make a kill without getting injured. As has been said cats do get killed and I wouldn't put them past taking a small yorkie or similar if they had the chance. Too much emphasis is put on what the books say..............for instance I once got the distinct impression that a buzzard was eyeing up my staffy once. Sounds silly and the books would say never, I was walking with a large walking stick at the time and it was real enough for me to get ready for some buzzard baseball if required, these animals can cause an awful lot of damage :yes:

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