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Video Footage Of The Ns200 & Ns Spotter Used In The Field


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In this episode of VHTV both myself and Davy take out the brilliant new Nite Site spotter unit and Davys new NS200 for the first time to put them both through their paces in the field and around a farm complex.

We start off at the business park shooting rabbits followed later by a quick visit to a golf course for an experiment with the NS spotter before finally ending up at the dairy farm shooting rats in dark for the farm manager.

In the morning when tidying up the shot quarry Davy manages 2 nice added bonuses with the NS200 in day mode.

Si & Davy.





Edited by zini
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Just re checked the footage better in more detail in regards to the Nite Site Spotter max range and I made a mistake with the initial range estimation on Google Earth.


The freeze framed photo I did on x42 mag was the key to the detail. It showed the copse was right on the far end of the golf course next to the road.


This on Google Earth is at 780 yards.


Still very good though and far enough to outsee what anyone will ever be able to shoot at night.



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Just re checked the footage better in more detail in regards to the Nite Site Spotter max range and I made a mistake with the initial range estimation on Google Earth.


The freeze framed photo I did on x42 mag was the key to the detail. It showed the copse was right on the far end of the golf course next to the road.


This on Google Earth is at 780 yards.


Still very good though and far enough to outsee what anyone will ever be able to shoot at night.



You just don't need any more than that Si. Fancy lending it to me for a week?! :D

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