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Been Out Again!

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Ayup lads,

been out again today with my mate, I took the hw100kt .22 and he took his bsa lightning.


to cut a long story short we went for a mooch and I got a woody at about 18 yards standing it landed in but saw me so I had to take a quick one, shooting it front on in the left breast and exiting out of the middle of its back, had to neck it after but I got there within 2 seconds so it didn't suffer. it looked like it was about to fly off and its head was covered by a few leafs so I took the chest shot.




now for anyone that wants to say something about headshots only, I knew for a fact this shot would not cause suffering to this pigeon, and wouldn't 'bounce off' its 'armour plated' chest. after seing first hand the recent penetrative shots I have done with this rifle over the last 2 weeks I was 101% confident of the stopping power of this rifle.


also I was watching a video on Fieldsports Britain on YouTube about front on chest shots on woodpigeons, and the guy hit the big bone and it just smashed it to bits.


so anyway back to the story, we sat down for a bit but no pigeons appeared then I saw a squirrels tail flickering about. it looked blurry in the scope but my range estimation was totally off and the pellet sailed above its head into the tree trunk 1 inch above its head. gutted lol. ah well.


we then both saw a squirrel come out of a bush and sit on the floor about 22 yards away, both standing unsupported I took the shot into the squirrels brain and dropped it stone dead instantly it just fell flat. then my mate put his in it aswell, whilst it lay on the floor.! think he was gutted that I shot it before him :gunsmilie: it was a pregnant female, so hopefully a few less will be there - to help the songbirds out :thumbs:








cheers for reading. stay safe. 1 shot SKoT :victory:

Edited by Skot Ruthless Teale
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Ayup lads,

been out again today with my mate, I took the hw100kt .22 and he took his bsa lightning.


to cut a long story short we went for a mooch and I got a woody at about 18 yards standing it landed in but saw me so I had to take a quick one, shooting it front on in the left breast and exiting out of the middle of its back, had to neck it after but I got there within 2 seconds so it didn't suffer. it looked like it was about to fly off and its head was covered by a few leafs so I took the chest shot.




now for anyone that wants to say something about headshots only, I knew for a fact this shot would not cause suffering to this pigeon, and wouldn't 'bounce off' its 'armour plated' chest. after seing first hand the recent penetrative shots I have done with this rifle over the last 2 weeks I was 101% confident of the stopping power of this rifle.


also I was watching a video on Fieldsports Britain on YouTube about front on chest shots on woodpigeons, and the guy hit the big bone and it just smashed it to bits.


so anyway back to the story, we sat down for a bit but no pigeons appeared then I saw a squirrels tail flickering about. it looked blurry in the scope but my range estimation was totally off and the pellet sailed above its head into the tree trunk 1 inch above its head. gutted lol. ah well.


we then both saw a squirrel come out of a bush and sit on the floor about 22 yards away, both standing unsupported I took the shot into the squirrels brain and dropped it stone dead instantly it just fell flat. then my mate put his in it aswell, whilst it lay on the floor.! think he was gutted that I shot it before him :gunsmilie: it was a pregnant female, so hopefully a few less will be there - to help the songbirds out :thumbs:








cheers for reading. stay safe. 1 shot SKoT :victory:


Well done "Jedi Posemaster" ;):laugh:


I've chest shot a Woodie with the .22 and .25 same result both dead, But more of a Wallop noise with the .25 :laugh:

Where as with the .177 i wasn't confident and only head shot them.


good result though Skot bud

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yeah if id have had a .177 in my hand id have waited for the headshot or left it for another day.


if I had a .25 I could get away with shooting it in the foot or up the arse :laugh::laugh: :laugh: (JOKE)


took me ages to get that pose set up with the squizzer. her head kept bobbing and she fell over aq few times. think she was drunk haha. posing them is a skill in its own right !!

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Nice shooting mate, especially the squirrel. i have a few on one of my permissions and they just don't stay still! iv'e watched one for 15 minutes waiting for it to stop bobbing its head like Mohamed Ali! got a lot of respect for the squirrel shooters!


Any of them being added to super noodles? :laugh:

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You trying to take my crown as your getting out as much as me iv not been out for a week nice shooting mate atvbmac O by the way i chest shoot the pigeons to like your good self when you shoot a jsb 22 15,89 into them they aint breathing eny more :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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My next outing i was going to title the thread 'the new bigmac97kt' lol


Somebody has to tell some hunting storys on here. If you gave up posting then the forum would be boring lol


Im Getting a couple of boingers this week so the hw100 will be temporarily on holiday lol

Really miss shooting a springer so i have 2 to master just like i did with KaTie :yes:

Watch this space

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Nice shot on that squizzer! Perfect pellet placement. Gotta respect you .22 guys.


The damage a 22 does over a .177 is huge. Be interesting to see what the exit wound looks like by comparison to a 177. In theory the entrance wound should be similar, but the internal damage and exit should be massive with a 22 as its mass disperses its energy in to the target and not in its velocity.

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Nice shot on that squizzer! Perfect pellet placement. Gotta respect you .22 guys.


The damage a 22 does over a .177 is huge. Be interesting to see what the exit wound looks like by comparison to a 177. In theory the entrance wound should be similar, but the internal damage and exit should be massive with a 22 as its mass disperses its energy in to the target and not in its velocity.

After thinking about this shot the squirrel was sat facing towards me but with its head looking slightly to my right.

So that means the ENTRY of both mine and my mates .22 pellets was through its right eye and the pellets exited near the left ear!


Elit stood no chance at such close range! ;)

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