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Logitech 'Tracker' Optical Mouse ~ Problem

Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

What it is; I just absent mindedly pressed a few buttons on my one. Now my cursor appears as a black padlock and it's acting a bit weird. I've pressed every permutation of buttons and the wheel I can come up with. Damn padlock won't go away :(


Anyone else out there use these and know how I disable this feature and get my little pointy arrow back, please?



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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:( Thanks mate but, no. It's some sort of 'security' feature inherrant in the actual mouse. It's " Locked " something. I'm managing to function here, as ye can see. But it's a pain in the arse as I now have to wave the little padlock all over the place to get the little hand that allows me to 'click' anything.


Damned if I know what I've done. Tried pulling out the usb too, to disconnect and restart the mouse? No joy :cry:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Cheers, Strong Stuff. Thw wheel Does go down. Maybe I'd pushed it down by mistake or something? But even pushing it down and messing with the other buttons I've learned never to touch helped.


Anyway, I've been AFK for hours to come back to a PM full of weird, esoteric stuff from " The Ferreter ".


Ferreter; I'm Delighted to say mate; I could barely make out a word of it. I hope to god ye just pasted that lot in because that was some screed! Anyway, in trying to make head or tail of it (It just didn't seem to apply to XP!) I went in search of my Device Manager and found ...... " MOUSE " :icon_eek:


Five minutes of ham fistedly buggering about in there and, by sheer dint of serendipidy, I'm sorted! :toast::clapper::signthankspin:


So, that's me happy. Hours behind. Being hit with PM's as I type. And in for Another bloody long night! :D

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