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Mac Fries

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Been sent this showing what looks like a test on Burgers and Fries to see how long the breaking down process takes to rot the food, to think this stuff is digested by us. watch it and you won't beleive the Fries :blink:. Ditch you need to take a look at this after the Butter V Marge test!! what the f**k are these things made from compared to other chips we eat....



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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:cry: Jasper; I can't watch video's on here, mate. My connection's so slow it'd take me all night to get the film down.


I'd be curious to read a synopsis of what's going on there though. It's not as if I eat Anything from those sorts of places anyway. Just interested out of curiosity.


Tell ye what though; I used to work in a crisps factory. My main job was stacking the cartons as they came down the line. We used to pop a box open at will and help ourselves to what ever flavour we chose.


Then, one day, I got sent to hose down the delivery bay after the lorry had brought a fresh supply of spuds in ..... :sick: After slipping and sliding in the black ooze that'd liberally dripped from that consignment of black and completely rotton spuds, I never ate a crisp again. Won't do to this day :no:

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THEY SAT YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:


I must be a fanny then :icon_redface::laugh:


That is revolting :sick: :sick: i bet the smell was unbearable :sick: :sick: :sick: .I wonder how long the fries would have lasted if they had not thrown them away.

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:cry: Jasper; I can't watch video's on here, mate. My connection's so slow it'd take me all night to get the film down.


I'd be curious to read a synopsis of what's going on there though. It's not as if I eat Anything from those sorts of places anyway. Just interested out of curiosity.


Tell ye what though; I used to work in a crisps factory. My main job was stacking the cartons as they came down the line. We used to pop a box open at will and help ourselves to what ever flavour we chose.


Then, one day, I got sent to hose down the delivery bay after the lorry had brought a fresh supply of spuds in ..... :sick: After slipping and sliding in the black ooze that'd liberally dripped from that consignment of black and completely rotton spuds, I never ate a crisp again. Won't do to this day :no:


The guy in the clip Ditch takes what looks like storage jars and sticks different Mac Burgers in each of them and some Mac fries in another and in the far end jars sticks a Burger from somewhere else and some basically what looks like ordinary chips, he leaves them for a couple of weeks and some decompostition starts on the burgers and the Original chips start to go black and well on the way out, but the other fries are still as good as they first entered the jar, he leaves it another two weeks and things looks worse, and then another couple until at 10 weeks most things are broken down and decomposed except the fries which for some reason still look as good as the day they went into the jar :blink:, 2 months and 2 weeks they had been in there :hmm:....

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McDonalds addmittently still use synthetic hydrogenated (trans) fat as a basis for deep-frying....Yes the plasticy bad stuff that massively increases bad cholestorol which can clog arteries up and increase the risk of coronary heart disease :sick:





Edited by Eggy
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The Leitrim experiment takes some beating mate :thumbs:, Do you think that a different Butter like "Anchor" may well have rotted down quicker? My missus left some Anchor out to go soft but forgot about it and it soon gathered a Mould on top :hmm:...


I tell you this much though mate! Mac fries are totally off the menu now for me and the kids, I still can't beleive they never rotted down after 10 weeks :sick:...





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