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Hungarian Greygounds/ Magyars

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One of the things that impressed me the most was their toughness. . . . such as their feet.


Greyhounds suffer feet problems regular, whereas in Hungary, where its 30 + degrees in summer and minus temps in winter. . . . these dogs ran fine. And they can turn a shit ton better than the greys I have seen. More like our coursing greys than a track animal.


The land is unreal. . . . just huge, miles of arable. . . . . lots of hares.


I did seriously consider bringing one back. . . . kind of wish I had.


Also seriously considered starting a buisness taking coursing lads out there. . . . . and blowing their mind. . . .(and their dogs :laugh: )

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Yes. Lived there for best part of 5 yeas - they are called Magyar Agars, Magyar being Hungarian ...... In Hungarian. Lots of hares in Hungary!

be nice to see a few vids, so any of you computer whizkids fancy getting them up? pleassssssssssssssssssssssssssse

To me they look the part.....im no coursing lad but they certainly look like theyd handle anything id slip em on

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look the old time coursing greyhounds that you see in the old books. much more strength stronger bones almost like a racey 3/8 5/8 bull cross. nice looking dogs and rough ground to be running for hares and do a pretty good job of banging through it. by the way all three in that pic have got feet I would love to see on any dog!!!!

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A site I was reading about them was stating there not as fast as a greyhound but have a lot more stamina and were used too follow horses and too chase shot deer and other animals also stated they would be doing about 30 mile a day it said there were originally 2 types a farmer type that is now extinct that was smaller and the nobility type that is the same type that is still going today they almost look like a deerhound x too me certainly handy looking ideation do you know if they were used for anything else like foxes or wolfs

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They do look impressive, but we look to the greyhound to supply one thing, speed in our cross's and theres no faster dog, we look to the outcross to supply the rest to a lurcher but some sight hound X sight hound cross;s could do with better feet, bone, wind, coat etc, i,d be very surprised if they offerd us somthing we havent already got though as we,v sucked in the best the world has to offer over hundreds of years and made them our own, after saying that, i didnt see any good Saluki blood untill the 80s so who knows, very interesting none the less, atb, buster.

Edited by buster gonads
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ive seen a good few over in Germany they seem to vary in size and shape but generally a powerfull dog , the ones I saw were not very friendly toards other dogs bordering on aggressive.... ive seen then run on a 480 mtr track aswell they are ok but nowere near as fast as a galgo ;)

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Magyar agar

That could quite easily be a lurcher to lurcher bred dog looking at it. Bit of bull, saluki, collie, deerhound etc.


I guess the advantage to one of these would be the guaranteed shape and size? As opposed to a lurcher which could throw to anything?

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They do look impressive, but we look to the greyhound to supply one thing, speed in our cross's and theres no faster dog, we look to the outcross to supply the rest to a lurcher but some sight hound X sight hound cross;s could do with better feet, bone, wind, coat etc, i,d be very surprised if they offerd us somthing we havent already got though as we,v sucked in the best the world has to offer over hundreds of years and made them our own, after saying that, i didnt see any good Saluki blood untill the 80s so who knows, very interesting none the less, atb, buster.


That should be true but there is a tendency here to breed from or keep dogs that are not up to scratch because we become attached to them, I am as guilty for that (the keeping not the breeding) as anyone. In most other countries they tend to be a bit harder about their working animals so cull harder. I have no doubt there is some great bloodlines here belonging to the right lads but there is also plenty of shite being churned out for money which dilutes the good blood.


In my experience the more hard up the country and people the better their working dogs are simply because they cant afford to keep wasters. Just my opinion.

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