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Hare Gone To Ground...

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I have a hare that usually has it's leverets in the field where I store my round bales, I have seen it and the young pop into the gaps at the bottom of the bales like rabbits when the buzzards are ove

To me, digging them out is about on par with kicking them when they run past you!

seen it loads of times on the fens,but in ireland only 2 times,an ran on into a well one day,poor hare near drowned,i pulled it out an let go.

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Seen a dog putting one under pressure and the hare took to the road, the hare was two foot from the dogs nose and it ran into a 6 meter long steel pipe sitting by the side of road, the pipe was just big enough for the hare to fit in!


I will never know how it managed to fit in at that speed and how it knew to hide in that pipe!

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I remember one course in the early 90's,there was 3 hares sitting in front of a strip wood,so we slipped the 3 dogs that we had hoping to get a couple of courses if not 3 on the go,but all the dogs ran the one hare round and round the field before the hare broke off went into the next field and the dogs were standing looking down a rabbit hole,this was in very heavy rain

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