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Hare Gone To Ground...

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  On 05/10/2013 at 08:27, desertbred said:

No doubt Tom is a knowledgeable guy on uk saluki lines the point was you are not as knowleddgeable as you think ,and you can teach me nothing about dogs. As for the East of England why wait that long any time you want to meet me suits me. . The other History you wrote isnt that out of a Terry Clarke book ? quite a few lads have said you think you are a coursing legend Ha my arse.Bill always remember some of us get out and do it others sit and read books and write about it on web sites does this Clown even own a dog or East of England show may be it show dogs he has LOL.

I'm not knowlegable on any subject let alone on running dogs.I've no doubt you know more than me about Salukis since I've never kept one. I have no wish to teach you anything about dogs or about any other subject, although you could do with a lesson in keeping your temper, but that isn't my concern.


I'm not familiar with Terry Clarke or his books what I typed is out of my head ,gleaned some years ago from" Salukis Companion Of Kings", by Vera Watkins ,whose prefix you will know is Windswift .if there are any inaccuracies in my post , no doubt you can correct them and refresh my memory which is not as good as it once was.



I'm not even a legend in my own house, and as I said the older I get the less I realise I know.

I'm not anxious to meet you at any time I don't think we would be each others cup of tea.


It was you not me, who began sending out abusive pm's and saying posters on here didnt have bottle . I simply responded by giving you an invitation to meet me and discover how much bottle I've got.

It's not a challenge, my days of" physical activity" are long past, let's just call it an invitation that you can accept if you feel the need to.


Quite frankly I find your over- reaction to this thread absolutely ridiculous

.I'm a man of a certain age who has, "put away childish things" such as sending hate mail from the safety of a PC , being abusive and making assumptions of people based on a couple of tongue in cheek posts.


P P came out of the thread well , showing he has a sense of humour about himself and that he has the ability to poke fun at himself.I don't think he needs you defending him, he seems more than capable of doing that himself.


You come out of this as an obssessive man with a very short fuse,anxious to establish his credentials on the running dog scene which would seem to indicate some basic insecurities.


I may very well be as wrong about you as you are about me.This morning for example, you appear a lot calmer and rational perhaps that is the real you? Do you eat Snickers for the rages? Sorry, couldnt resist it. :boogy:


As I said, not my concern


.As to what running I do with dogs, that is my business and not for consumption on a public forum.I don't feel any need to big myself up to total strangers nor to invite the unwelcome attention of those that read these forums for the express purpose of hoping the unwary, desperate for attention seekers, will incriminate themselves .


There are a few that know me on this site and are familiar with what I do and how much of it ,it shouldn't be too hard to find out if you are sufficiently interested.


I've no curiosity about you at all.


I don't show dogs and apart from a couple of times many years ago I've never put a dog in a show ring.


The East Of England Show is about the only one I go to, and I do so out of a sense of obligation because of a connection I have with a club and certain people there. I will be working most of that day helping out and though I've judged the Lurcher show twice, I have no interest in showng any dogs I may, or may not own myself.

Hope you have enough information now ,and that we understand each other. Regards Inan /

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I have a hare that usually has it's leverets in the field where I store my round bales, I have seen it and the young pop into the gaps at the bottom of the bales like rabbits when the buzzards are ove

To me, digging them out is about on par with kicking them when they run past you!

seen it loads of times on the fens,but in ireland only 2 times,an ran on into a well one day,poor hare near drowned,i pulled it out an let go.

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  On 05/10/2013 at 09:31, inan said:


  On 05/10/2013 at 08:27, desertbred said:

No doubt Tom is a knowledgeable guy on uk saluki lines the point was you are not as knowleddgeable as you think ,and you can teach me nothing about dogs. As for the East of England why wait that long any time you want to meet me suits me. . The other History you wrote isnt that out of a Terry Clarke book ? quite a few lads have said you think you are a coursing legend Ha my arse.Bill always remember some of us get out and do it others sit and read books and write about it on web sites does this Clown even own a dog or East of England show may be it show dogs he has LOL.

I'm not knowlegable on any subject let alone on running dogs.I've no doubt you know more than me about Salukis since I've never kept one. I have no wish to teach you anything about dogs or about any other subject, although you could do with a lesson in keeping your temper, but that isn't my concern.


I'm not familiar with Terry Clarke or his books what I typed is out of my head ,gleaned some years ago from" Salukis Companion Of Kings", by Vera Watkins ,whose prefix you will know is Windswift .if there are any inaccuracies in my post , no doubt you can correct them and refresh my memory which is not as good as it once was.



I'm not even a legend in my own house, and as I said the older I get the less I realise I know.

I'm not anxious to meet you at any time I don't think we would be each others cup of tea.


It was you not me, who began sending out abusive pm's and saying posters on here didnt have bottle . I simply responded by giving you an invitation to meet me and discover how much bottle I've got.

It's not a challenge, my days of" physical activity" are long past, let's just call it an invitation that you can accept if you feel the need to.


Quite frankly I find your over- reaction to this thread absolutely ridiculous

.I'm a man of a certain age who has, "put away childish things" such as sending hate mail from the safety of a PC , being abusive and making assumptions of people based on a couple of tongue in cheek posts.


P P came out of the thread well , showing he has a sense of humour about himself and that he has the ability to poke fun at himself.I don't think he needs you defending him, he seems more than capable of doing that himself.


You come out of this as an obssessive man with a very short fuse,anxious to establish his credentials on the running dog scene which would seem to indicate some basic insecurities.


I may very well be as wrong about you as you are about me.This morning for example, you appear a lot calmer and rational perhaps that is the real you? Do you eat Snickers for the rages? Sorry, couldnt resist it. :boogy:


As I said, not my concern


.As to what running I do with dogs, that is my business and not for consumption on a public forum.I don't feel any need to big myself up to total strangers nor to invite the unwelcome attention of those that read these forums for the express purpose of hoping the unwary, desperate for attention seekers, will incriminate themselves .


There are a few that know me on this site and are familiar with what I do and how much of it ,it shouldn't be too hard to find out if you are sufficiently interested.


I've no curiosity about you at all.


I don't show dogs and apart from a couple of times many years ago I've never put a dog in a show ring.


The East Of England Show is about the only one I go to, and I do so out of a sense of obligation because of a connection I have with a club and certain people there. I will be working most of that day helping out and though I've judged the Lurcher show twice, I have no interest in showng any dogs I may, or may not own myself.

Hope you have enough information now ,and that we understand each other. Regards Inan /


My last post on this matter I have no insecurities and certainly never have and never will seek fame or fortune in the coursing world and certainly my post about PP was a statement regarding computer heroes who wouldnt say things to peoples faces, I have no particular interest in you or your activities I have noticed a few posts where you have covert digs and then refer to them as tongue in cheek strange sense of humour you have . As for Age I also have a few years under my belt and dont advertise what I do or dont do. so now draw a line under this reparte (no doubt that is spelt wrong also innit)

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  On 05/10/2013 at 09:54, desertbred said:


  On 05/10/2013 at 09:31, inan said:


  On 05/10/2013 at 08:27, desertbred said:

No doubt Tom is a knowledgeable guy on uk saluki lines the point was you are not as knowleddgeable as you think ,and you can teach me nothing about dogs. As for the East of England why wait that long any time you want to meet me suits me. . The other History you wrote isnt that out of a Terry Clarke book ? quite a few lads have said you think you are a coursing legend Ha my arse.Bill always remember some of us get out and do it others sit and read books and write about it on web sites does this Clown even own a dog or East of England show may be it show dogs he has LOL.

I'm not knowlegable on any subject let alone on running dogs.I've no doubt you know more than me about Salukis since I've never kept one. I have no wish to teach you anything about dogs or about any other subject, although you could do with a lesson in keeping your temper, but that isn't my concern.


I'm not familiar with Terry Clarke or his books what I typed is out of my head ,gleaned some years ago from" Salukis Companion Of Kings", by Vera Watkins ,whose prefix you will know is Windswift .if there are any inaccuracies in my post , no doubt you can correct them and refresh my memory which is not as good as it once was.



I'm not even a legend in my own house, and as I said the older I get the less I realise I know.

I'm not anxious to meet you at any time I don't think we would be each others cup of tea.


It was you not me, who began sending out abusive pm's and saying posters on here didnt have bottle . I simply responded by giving you an invitation to meet me and discover how much bottle I've got.

It's not a challenge, my days of" physical activity" are long past, let's just call it an invitation that you can accept if you feel the need to.


Quite frankly I find your over- reaction to this thread absolutely ridiculous

.I'm a man of a certain age who has, "put away childish things" such as sending hate mail from the safety of a PC , being abusive and making assumptions of people based on a couple of tongue in cheek posts.


P P came out of the thread well , showing he has a sense of humour about himself and that he has the ability to poke fun at himself.I don't think he needs you defending him, he seems more than capable of doing that himself.


You come out of this as an obssessive man with a very short fuse,anxious to establish his credentials on the running dog scene which would seem to indicate some basic insecurities.


I may very well be as wrong about you as you are about me.This morning for example, you appear a lot calmer and rational perhaps that is the real you? Do you eat Snickers for the rages? Sorry, couldnt resist it. :boogy:


As I said, not my concern


.As to what running I do with dogs, that is my business and not for consumption on a public forum.I don't feel any need to big myself up to total strangers nor to invite the unwelcome attention of those that read these forums for the express purpose of hoping the unwary, desperate for attention seekers, will incriminate themselves .


There are a few that know me on this site and are familiar with what I do and how much of it ,it shouldn't be too hard to find out if you are sufficiently interested.


I've no curiosity about you at all.


I don't show dogs and apart from a couple of times many years ago I've never put a dog in a show ring.


The East Of England Show is about the only one I go to, and I do so out of a sense of obligation because of a connection I have with a club and certain people there. I will be working most of that day helping out and though I've judged the Lurcher show twice, I have no interest in showng any dogs I may, or may not own myself.

Hope you have enough information now ,and that we understand each other. Regards Inan /


My last post on this matter I have no insecurities and certainly never have and never will seek fame or fortune in the coursing world and certainly my post about PP was a statement regarding computer heroes who wouldnt say things to peoples faces, I have no particular interest in you or your activities I have noticed a few posts where you have covert digs and then refer to them as tongue in cheek strange sense of humour you have . As for Age I also have a few years under my belt and dont advertise what I do or dont do. so now draw a line under this reparte (no doubt that is spelt wrong also innit)


My last words too . Anything I say on a PC I would repeat face to face.


I've never insulted PP and as far as I know he hasn't taken umbrage at anything I've said on this thread.

If I have a dig at someone they usually know it.Why would I be" covert"?



You've twice said I wouldn't have the bottle to repeat things face to face .

I've given you the opportunity to find out, naming a date and place,[ E.O.E show.] as far as I'm concerned the ball's in your court.


If you want to let it rest ,it's fine with me, I shall have enough to do on the day without playing "Dances With Salukis ",with you.


I'm no hero on either on a computer or anywhere else , I only come on here when the boxing sites are a bit slow as that is my first interest..


ps .Yes it is spelt wrong ,it's two ee's. Sorry , but you did ask :angel: Regards Inan

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i think the hares would defo dive into a pipe if they could hear inan and desertbred lol i know desertbred (as he is a very good friend of mine )is a very knowlagable man on saluki's his family have kept them and ran them for 9 generations and inan you also seem to know a fair bit (a lot more than me thats for sure ) so cant see why 2 educated men would have such a fall out i know desertbred has a short fuse and backs down from no one even though he is 90 lol but he is once you get to know him a very desent man that will do anything he can to help anyone out and he has got a great sense of humour when he is not being wound up hope you pair put your differences aside and become friendsas the knowlage you both have would be awsome combined reckon if you pair put it all down in a book it would be a best seller atb pp

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  On 05/10/2013 at 13:39, the pikey poacher said:

i think the hares would defo dive into a pipe if they could hear inan and desertbred lol i know desertbred (as he is a very good friend of mine )is a very knowlagable man on saluki's his family have kept them and ran them for 9 generations and inan you also seem to know a fair bit (a lot more than me thats for sure ) so cant see why 2 educated men would have such a fall out i know desertbred has a short fuse and backs down from no one even though he is 90 lol but he is once you get to know him a very desent man that will do anything he can to help anyone out and he has got a great sense of humour when he is not being wound up hope you pair put your differences aside and become friendsas the knowlage you both have would be awsome combined reckon if you pair put it all down in a book it would be a best seller atb pp

I like your style fella ,this thread got side tracked,and I am partly to blame for it.

But I never sent out abusive pms or questioned anyone's bottle.


That aside I'm willing to keep the peace if Barzini is.[sorry got caught up in the Godfather there].If Desertbred doesn't appear at the EOE show I shall take it that hostilities have ceased. Have a good season.Inan.

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  On 05/10/2013 at 17:42, inan said:


  On 05/10/2013 at 13:39, the p***y poacher said:

i think the hares would defo dive into a pipe if they could hear inan and desertbred lol i know desertbred (as he is a very good friend of mine )is a very knowlagable man on saluki's his family have kept them and ran them for 9 generations and inan you also seem to know a fair bit (a lot more than me thats for sure ) so cant see why 2 educated men would have such a fall out i know desertbred has a short fuse and backs down from no one even though he is 90 lol but he is once you get to know him a very desent man that will do anything he can to help anyone out and he has got a great sense of humour when he is not being wound up hope you pair put your differences aside and become friendsas the knowlage you both have would be awsome combined reckon if you pair put it all down in a book it would be a best seller atb pp

I like your style fella ,this thread got side tracked,and I am partly to blame for it.

But I never sent out abusive pms or questioned anyone's bottle.


That aside I'm willing to keep the peace if Barzini is.[sorry got caught up in the Godfather there].If Desertbred doesn't appear at the EOE show I shall take it that hostilities have ceased. Have a good season.Inan.


Inan better if you let the matter rest now before you get yourself into something you cant handle you seem intent on continuing last word " dont."

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I put at least half a dozen to ground last year. It happens .

I must admit tho there is folk out there who every time they miss .they say its gone to ground.

Its becoming another popular excuse for the never miss a hare brigade.

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  On 05/10/2013 at 19:49, desertbred said:


  On 05/10/2013 at 17:42, inan said:


  On 05/10/2013 at 13:39, the p***y poacher said:

i think the hares would defo dive into a pipe if they could hear inan and desertbred lol i know desertbred (as he is a very good friend of mine )is a very knowlagable man on saluki's his family have kept them and ran them for 9 generations and inan you also seem to know a fair bit (a lot more than me thats for sure ) so cant see why 2 educated men would have such a fall out i know desertbred has a short fuse and backs down from no one even though he is 90 lol but he is once you get to know him a very desent man that will do anything he can to help anyone out and he has got a great sense of humour when he is not being wound up hope you pair put your differences aside and become friendsas the knowlage you both have would be awsome combined reckon if you pair put it all down in a book it would be a best seller atb pp

I like your style fella ,this thread got side tracked,and I am partly to blame for it.

But I never sent out abusive pms or questioned anyone's bottle.


That aside I'm willing to keep the peace if Barzini is.[sorry got caught up in the Godfather there].If Desertbred doesn't appear at the EOE show I shall take it that hostilities have ceased. Have a good season.Inan.


Inan better if you let the matter rest now before you get yourself into something you cant handle you seem intent on continuing last word " dont."


Don't threaten me. You'll be surprised what I can handle. Now let it go..

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  On 05/10/2013 at 22:06, snoopdog said:


  On 05/10/2013 at 20:17, the p***y poacher said:

snoop dog that dog in your avatar is a beauty whats the story with that mate

he's just an old pot licking bull cross mate. It was the only pic I could upload for



lol dont belive that for 1 minute lol he or she is a cracker mate would not mind a pup out of that atb pp
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Happens all the time they will try and use anything to there advantage to try and evade the dog last year seen one run straight into the face of a quarry, and had one go down a concrete pipe on the moors it knew exactly what it was doing the pipe would have been over 1000yrds away from where it got up, they ain't daft ;)

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